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A Red Salute to Two Martyrs of the People!

Panlalawigang Komite ng Partido
Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas-Bulacan
March 31, 2003

The entire revolutionary movement salutes the heroism of Comrade Arnel San Juan or "Ka Gerald" and Comrade Norbel Ortega or "Ka Carmi," members of the New People's Army, exemplary communists and revolutionaries. They sacrificed their very own lives for the good of the many. The heroism and fearlessness they showed in the midst of battle are brilliant examples that we must emulate.

Comrade Gerald or Arnel San Juan and Comrade Carmi or Norbel Ortega were two fighters of the New People's Army who died in battle on March 29,2003. They selflessly offered their lives for the cause of liberating the people from the intense exploitation and oppression of foreign US imperialists, and their local accomplices of big capitalists, big landlords and bureaucrat capitalists in government.

Comrade Gerald, 22 years old, came from a family of poor peasants. It was not difficult for him to understand and embrace the cause of the revolution because his family's own experience is replete with oppression and exploitation. They owned no land so they had to cultivate a parcel of public land. But it was seized from them by a landlord who threw them out. Comrade Gerald became conscious and joined in the midst of the struggle of the peasant masses of San Miguel for genuine land reform.

Comrade Gerald was an exemplary fighter and leader of a unit of the New People's Army. He was also a fine member of the Communist Party. Within almost three years, he worked tirelessly and diligently. He was kind and related well with the masses and other comrades, and displayed bravery in the many battles that he participated in. In his last battle, he handled a Garand rifle and acted as a sniper punishing many among the enemy.

Comrade Carmi, 23 years old, hailed from a clan of politicos in the province of Palawan. He lived in the town of Norzagaray where he established links and became conscious. Comrade Carmi easily understood the correctness of the cause of revolution and the role of youth in changing society. He immediately joined the Kabataang Makabayan (Patriotic Youth) and became active in organizing his own community. Comrade Carmi volunteered and did not hesitate to join the people's army when he learned of the need to strengthen the unit in his place. It's only been two months since he joined the unit but Comrade Carmi already showed excellence in his work.

It was clear to the two comrades that principally through armed revolution can the suffering and oppression of the people be genuinely resolved. It is for this reason that they offered their entire strength, intelligence, capacity and their very last breath. They were aware that the hope and strength of the people lies with their army. Without the people's army, the people have nothing.

We have lost two comrades from our ranks, but we know many more will take their place. For every one lost, thousands will rise up to take up arms. The early demise of the two comrades will be a flame that will burn bright in our determination to continue the struggle for as long as the people do not yet defeat the enemy. ###

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