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NDF Mourns passing of Bishop La Verne Mercado

Negotiating Panel
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
July 24, 2003

We, the Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, including consultants, staffers and volunteer assistants, extend deep condolences to Nellie Mercado, to the family of Bishop La Verne Mercado, to the National Council of Churches in the Philippines and the thousands who mourn the passing of a great man.

Bishop La Verne Mercado will always be remembered as a bishop who took a firm stand against the Marcos fascist dictatorship. He himself experienced the iron fist of the US-sponsored open rule of terror when he and other members of the NCCP, together with officials from the World Council of Churhes, were arrested and imprisoned.

After his release, Bishop La Verne exercised his leadership and influence as Secretary

General of the National Council of Churches to work for the releases of those imprisoned with him and of other political prisoners.

Together with church members, he would visit political prisoners. His quiet strength gave hope to many that through his efforts and those of the churches, they could be released. Many were indeed released. Bishop La Verne was also instrumental in securing for many years food and financial assistance to political prisoners and their families.

Families and relatives of disappeared asked his help in locating their loved ones. He did whatever he could to help them.

As Secretary General of the NCCP he showed that Churches should take a stand on the side of the oppressed and exploited, and join them in their struggle against injustice. He lent his name to many campaign and activities, and drew in the participation of others, including solidarity support from foreign friends, in the people�s movement for national and social liberation.

Bishop La Verne Mercado, you gave strength and courage to many. You showed many the way. You will never be forgotten. You will continue to inspire us.

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