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Subject: Jarque and human rights

Kabataang Makabayan-Europe
March 20, 1997

Dear Friends,

Warm greetings of solidarity!

This is in response to poison letters being circulated via the Internet and other means to slander both Brig. Gen. Raymundo Jarque (retired) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).

General Jarque decided to join the revolutionary movement after a considerable period of considering the unjust character of the system which he had served for more than three decades as an officer.

Before accepting him as a friendly personage, the NDFP looked into his background and character. It concluded that he had command responsibility for Operation Thunderbolt but had no direct and personal responsibility for any of the specific human rights violations.

He has exposed the fact that Operation Thunderbolt was part of the strategic plan, Lambat Bitag, instigated by the US Pentagon and carried out by the Armed Forces of the Philippines. He has condemned the antipeople orders from above, publicly expressed regrets over his command responsibility and actively apologized to the people and revolutionary forces. His role as consultant of the National Democratic Front in its negotiations with the GRP is of crucial importance because of his knowledge of the workings of the reactionary system and the human rights violations perpetrated by the Marcos and post-Marcos regimes.

In joining the side of the people and the revolutionary movement, General Jarque is fundamentally different from the likes of Romulo Kintanar who has become a member of the Ramos ruling party, Lakas, Ricardo Reyes, Arturo Tabara and Filemon Lagman who are compensated cooperators of the Strategic Studies Unit of the Intelligence Service of the AFP. To this day, the wielders of the poison pen continue to hail as "outstanding leaders" the most notorious traitors to the revolutionary cause, including Benjamin de Vera, Ricardo Reyes and Nathan Quimpo who were directly and personally responsible for crimes in Kampanyang Ahos in Mindanao from 1985 to 1987.

In carrying out the rectification movement against the grave errors and crimes perpetrated by those who have ultimately taken the side of the counterrevolution, the revolutionary forces in the Philippines have upheld the fundamental rights of the people (Bill of Rights) in the Guide for Establishing the People's Democratic Government and have adopted and implemented laws, rules and regulations to respect human rights.

The NDFP has recently promulgated the Declaration of Undertaking to Apply the Geneva Conventions and has unilaterally assumed obligations under international humanitarian law. In the current GRP-NDFP peace negotiations, the NDFP is determined to push forward a Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.

The stand and commitment of the NDFP to uphold, defend and promote human rights and international humanitarian law are clear. The GRP is opposing the NDFP position because the GRP side has been responsible for gross violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

But there are a handful of elements, engaged in psychological warfare within the framework of the US-instigated "low-intensity conflict", who posture as being in the middle or even above the GRP and the NDFP but who in fact specialize in attacking the NDFP.

We have reliable information that the BVD (Dutch internal security service) has two assets, one Dutch and one Filipino contra, who concentrate on making a campaign of vilification against the NDFP and are currently spreading demagogic attacks on General Jarque.

The anti-NDFP pipsqueaks expose themselves for what they are as they attack the NDFP which unwaveringly stands and acts to defend and advance the national and democratic rights of the Filipino people.###

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