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NPA Denies Involvement in the Lepanto Gold Robbery

Ka Sey-ang Rayos
Jennifer "Maria" Cariño Command
New People's Army - Benguet
September 30, 2003

In the September 28 issue of a local paper and in two AM radio stations based in Baguio, the AFP Northern Luzon Command and the PNP Cordillera Regional and Benguet Provincial Commands accused the New People's Army as the perpetrator of the gold bar heist in Lepanto, Mankayan, Benguet last September 20.

The Jennifer "Maria" Cariño Command, New People's Army - Benguet categorically denies any involvement in the robbery. The NPA does not resort to robbery or other similar criminal acts in order "to raise funds," as the military puts it. Neither have we ever been involved in the illegal drugs business including the marijuana trade in Benguet. The growing needs of the NPA primarily depends on the wide support of the masses.

Such cannot be said of the AFP and PNP, mercenary organizations serving the interest of the ruling class. Many officers and elements of the AFP and PNP have become protectors of outright members of criminal syndicates involved in illegal drugs, kidnap-for-ransom, robbery, hold-up and other similar crimes including prostitution and gambling like jueteng. Their high officials thrive on these syndicates, aside from graft and corruption, to sustain their lavish and immoral lifestyle while their underpaid soldiers and policemen suffer in the frontline.

The attempt to implicate the NPA in criminal activities is but a desperate move in their ever futile orchestrations to destroy the reputation of the NPA. They do not have any factual basis yet they immediately accused us once again as the perpetrators of the crime. Because of their sheer inefficiency, they can not even come up with a decent investigation of the crime. They now resort to wanton witch hunting.

We also condemn the killing of the five Lepanto employees in the said crime and condole their families. At the same time we vehemently condemn and denounce the 54th IB and PNP's abuses in the ongoing pursuit operations in the area which have now resulted to grave abuse of life, human rights and right to livelihood. This includes the cold blooded murder of an innocent civilian in Tabbac, Bulalacao, Mankayan by these operatives.

We call on the people of Mankayan to unite and expose and oppose these fascist acts of the AFP and PNP. ###

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