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Revolutionary justice catches up with Maj. Danilo Bilion and military intelligence officer Romeo Gaon

Efren Martires Command
New People's Army - Eastern Visayas
January 25, 2003

The Efren Martires Command and the people of Eastern Visayas hail the Rodante Urtal Command for meting revolutionary justice on Maj. Danilo Bilion, operations chief of the 803rd Bde PA based in the province. Red partisans punished Bilion at around noon of Jan. 23 in the provincial capital of Catarman. His .45 caliber service pistol was also confiscated.

A notorious human rights violator, Bilion�s fascist career spanning nearly two decades made him a virtual terror in Northern Samar. Literally hundreds of his victims from the peasant masses have long cried out for justice. Serving as an officer in the 19th IB PA from 1987 to 1993, Bilion was directly responsible for many cases of torture and killings committed by special operations teams he led. He was also one of those who directed the forced evacuation of the peasant masses in 1987-1988 in Silvino Lobos, Las Navas and other towns of Northern Samar. He was also active in forcing peasant men into the paramilitary CAFGU.

Bilion�s deranged brutality made him a hated figure. In one incident in Brgy. Tula, Pambujan, he purposely fired his pistol near the ears of an old peasant woman. Another time in Brgy. Anongo, Catubig, he sadistically made target practice of a peasant woman, whom he forced to stand with a glass on her head and with her arms akimbo. His cruelty drove another victim to insanity in Brgy. Rombang, Laoang. Bilion also took advantage of women, in raping many peasant women during military operations and in keeping a string of mistresses.

The Efren Martires Command also acknowledges the punishment of military intelligence officer Romeo �Elmer� Gaon last Jan. 4 in San Isidro, Victoria, Allen. Gaon has long been targeted for his active role in handling spies and intelligence networks against the revolutionary movement. He was responsible for the raiding of an NPA unit and the consequent deaths of five comrades in 2000.

The aggrieved people of Northern Samar rejoice for the redress they have long sought in the settling of the blood debts of Bilion and Gaon. Notorious human rights violators and fascist officers like them may be coddled by the reactionary system they serve, but they cannot escape the long arm of revolutionary justice.###

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