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Aleta Alvino
Makabayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan
National Democratic Front
March 05, 1999

MAKIBAKA-NDF statement on Women's Day, MARCH 8

These are worse times to mark International Working Women's Day, what with a fascist chief, hoodlum and patriarch residing in Malacanang.

Ever since he assumed power, Joseph "Erap" Ejercito Estrada has treated the Filipino people in a manner he treats women - entrap them into subjection. He promised to bring the poor to paradise, as he promised women the moon and the stars. He dangled before the poor dreams of prosperity, as he dangled before women mansions and homes galore. In the end those who fell for Erap found a rope tightly riveted on their necks.

The Erap regime is a shame to the nation and a curse to women. Its blatant display of machismo demeans, insults and humiliates women to no end. Indeed, no other regime than Erap's has elevated a harem of wives to official levels. Such supreme patriarchy only exposes the entire Filipino women to ridicule, abuse and indignities at home and abroad.

Erap, the patriarch, wanted nothing more than to turn people, as he turns women, into "willing" slaves. Using flattery and macho bravura, he has aimed to make the masses consenting parties to the stunning comeback of the Marcoses and their cronies, the ratification of the Visiting Forces Agreement, the removal of all restrictions to foreign investments in the constitution, the return of human rights violators to their posts and, increasingly these days, the restoration of the processes and institutions of dictatorship.

Erap, the hoodlum, thinks with his fists and adheres to the dictum "kung hindi makuha sa santong dasalan, sa santong paspasan". Like a neighborhood bully, he taunts and intimidates the National Democratic Front and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and thinks he can play around with them as he plays around with women.

Erap, the fascist chief, finally sheds off pretensions. Refusing to go back to peace negotiations with the NDF, the regime has opted to batter even women and children with bombs in an all-out war in the countrysides of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The law of force is the same law Erap ultimately uses to force people into submission. Moreover, one who has always dominated women in his lifetime makes domination appear natural.

And yet, behind Erap's bravura, is the desperate effort to kowtow submissively to the dictates of his US imperialist masters. His every move comes closer to securing US permanent interests in the country economically, politically and militarily. However, Erap, who sees women as meek and dumb, turns out be the dumbest puppet of all.

Which is a good thing, as far as revolutionary women are concerned. By Erap's own doing, hundreds and hundreds of women by the day are participating in the revolutionary movement, disgusted at how low and rotten the reactionary system has become. Increasingly, women are finding out that it is to their best interest to smash the blatantly feudal and patriarchal Erap regime by relentlessly pursuing the national democratic revolution.

The collective rebellion of women against this regime and all it stands for is breaking out throughout the country in street protests and armed resistance. The Erap regime may one day find itself with a rope to hang its neck as revolutionary masses of women, along with the men, settle scores with the regime.###

(Sgd.) Aleta Alvino


Makabayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan (MAKIBAKA)--

National Democratic Front

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