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NDF-Mindanao on Media Killings

Jorge "Ka Oris" Madlos
December 26, 2004

(This statement was released and read during the 2nd National Democratic Front-Mindanao press conference and media get-together held last December 26, 2004 on the occasion of the 36th CPP anniversary.)

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines recognizes the role of journalists who are committed to the masses in building a just society. They are an important player and an ally in the national-democratic struggle.

It is for this reason that the NDF views with deep concern the continuing murders of journalists all over the Philippines. In many instances, those targeted for liquidation were known to support the causes of the masses. They were known to ventilate the people�s outrage against the U.S.-Arroyo regime.

Elements of the fascist police and military are often behind these atrocious killings; they are often sent out by powerful local despots to liquidate these crusading journalists.

Aside from the threat to their lives, Filipino journalists are also being victimized twice over by their rich and big-business employers, deprived of decent pay and benefits. They have been enslaved by a media structure that cater to the whims and caprices of the elite and the powerful.

The deaths of Filipino journalists in the hands of assassins have turned for the worst this year, with 13 deaths, the highest ever. In fact, more journalists � 26 of them � died under the U.S.-Arroyo regime than in any other regimes since the ouster of the dictator Marcos in 1986, making Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo just as worse, if not much, much worse, than the hated despot. These statistics show that press freedom, which had been fought dearly and resolutely by Filipino journalists as well as by the national-democratic movement, is nothing but an illusion under this regime.

The revolution has been blessed with the talent and commitment of countless Filipino journalists, many of whom, like the late Antonio Zumel, had chosen to be with the people and eventually joined the revolutionary movement. The legacy of Zumel and the journalists whose lives have been enriched by the revolution � and vice versa -- lives on. They are the beacon that guides many present journalists as they join hands with the Filipino masses in seeking a brighter and a more just society.

Justice for slain Filipino journalists!
Long live committed and pro-people journalism!
Long live the revolution!

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