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Communist Party of the Philippines

Proposed nat'l ID, part of Arroyo reign extension and heightened fascism scheme--CPP
January 8, 2008

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today denounced Malaca�ang and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for reviving plans to establish a "national ID system" saying this is "part and parcel of the preparations for Gloria Arroyo to extend her rule and intensify her fascist policies."

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said "the establishment of a national ID system is a major ingredient in Arroyo's fascist plans to quell resistance and force through an extension of her grip on power beyond 2010. In the hands of Arroyo's fascist officials, it will be used to put the population under a police state-to control the people's movements, curtail their fundamental democratic and civil rights, and institute a reign of terror."

"In conjunction with the Human Security Act (HSA), Arroyo's planned national ID system will be used to intensify state terrorism and suppress the people's resistance to Arroyo's recoronation as soon as her present illegitimate term ends in 2010," added Rosal. "Arroyo's security, military and police officials plan to use the national ID system in the same way that the cedula system was used by the Spanish colonizers to oppress the Filipino people."

Rosal belittled the AFP's claims that the national ID system will be an effective instrument in stopping the growth of the revolutionary armed movement. "It will only be effective in harassing the people, making their living, livelihood and travel difficult, and angering them. Like the Filipino people's hatred of the Spanish-era cedula, the people's hatred of the national ID system, once implemented, will only result in their heightened support of the armed revolution and intensified resistance to the reactionary state's fascist rule."

"With a rotten, puppet, increasingly fascist Arroyo regime continuing to force itself at the helm of the defunct reactionary state, more and more people are being convinced to join the New People's Army and help the revolutionary armed struggle as the most effective way of putting an end to the terrorist state and the whole of the rotten ruling system."

Rosal urged the progressive and democratic forces, the broad anti-Arroyo opposition and the entire Filipino people to vigorously resist the plan to institute a national ID system. "The revolutionary armed forces and mass movement will carry out more and more blows against the fascist pillars of the Arroyo regime to help frustrate Arroyo's scheme to cling to power beyond 2010."

Marco Valbuena
Media Officer
Cellphone Numbers: 09179776392 :: 09282242061
E-mail:[email protected]

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