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Jason Montana


IT WILL BE STORIED SO it was a camp wedding fifty Party members Red fighters and peasant guests celebrated love the love of Ka Dado and Ka Loida deep in a Kalinga forest deep in a night of gentle rain nearer to the feel of sky than to the Chico river the Party the Army and the People gathered to receive this couple to seal their oneness with the sign of the hammer and the sickle   IT WILL BE STORIED SO the scrutinies were made the marriage collective was chosen a ritual was invented songs were rehearsed wild white orchids were vased and then the ceremony flowed the honor guard lined up smartly at the entrance of the camp's session hall of logs and reeds the master of the rites signalled the wedding processional entered the lamplight brightness solemnly in song in step   IT WILL BE STORIED SO everyone was in place the proper rites were performed against the backdrop of the Party flag in the circle of arms and men deep in the glow of the bride deep in the light of people's war two revolutionary songs were sung the sponsors and Party groups spoke words of collective wisdom and there was laughter and serious thought there was tension there was ease and the couple gazed at rifles crossed on a table or was it the flowers held them or the Red army flag bearing flowers while the rest had eyes on them their ears on the words of wisdom their hearts on love of a new kind   IT WILL BE STORIED SO and all rose for the vows the Party flag was draped on Ka Dado and Ka Loida bright-faced and clumsy left hands on a rifle right hands raised in oath they offered themselves to each other their marriage to the people in the custom of the Party   IT WILL BE STORIED SO the world stood and sang the International shouted Long Live in joyous celebration then comrades struck the gongs and composed a dance   IT WILL BE STORIED SO among the people and against the enemies deep in the protracted struggle deep in the wind and the fire of proletarian love

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