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Myra Algarme

Tribute To Our Dear Comrade Myra Algarme:
From Comrades in the Netherlands

NDF International Office
January 28, 1999

It was with great pain and sorrow that we received the news of the death of our dear comrade and friend, Myra Algarme, at the hands of the fascist dogs of the local exploiting classes. We deeply mourn her untimely death and promise revolutionary vengeance against the people's enemies. We solemnly pledge to carry unto completion the great and noble cause that she fought and died for.

Myra was a devoted revolutionary, a shining example to the youth of our land, one of the finest daughters of our motherland.

She started out as an activist at the University of the Philippines doing human rights work. Because of her dedication, she soon became a candidate member of the Communist Party of the Philippines in 1993. Even as she was doing her work among the university youth, Myra would go to the picketlines with her fellow student activists to integrate with the oppressed and exploited workers and to support their struggles for a living wage and decent working conditions.

In May 1995, Myra left the city to undertake revolutionary work in the countryside. She put her writing skills in the service of the people.  She wrote of the people's hardship, their toil, their grinding poverty, their courage in the midst of oppression. She trained hard to be a paramedic to better serve the peasant masses whom she loved and who loved her in return.

Myra was a caring comrade. She was never sparing with her care and kindness towards comrades. She was always ready with her radiant smile.

Myra was a model comrade. She was conscientious to a fault in the performance of her revolutionary duties. She was ever enthusiastic in taking up new challenges. She never tired of studying and improving on her skills to master new tasks placed on her shoulders

Myra was not new to danger. She was arrested on November 21, 1996. She made a good account of herself in front of the enemy. And when she was released, she took no time in going back to her comrades to resume her revolutionary work.

Neither was she one who would shrink from sacrifice and hardship. Her pregnancy with her first child did not deter her from the grind of hard work in the countryside. She placed herself entirely in the hands of the masses. And then, she would rest only for a little while after giving birth to a healthy baby girl. She was soon back in the countryside performing her revolutionary tasks.

Though her life was short, it was a life well spent in the service of the downtrodden masses whom she loved immensely. Her splendid example is certain to inspire the youth of our land to take up the fight for our people's freedom and democracy.

The life and example of comrade Myra Algarme is one more proof that makes us certain of the victory of the revolution. The counterrevolutionaries can never have heroes like our own comrade Myra Algarme. The blood of our martyrs makes the ground ever more fertile for the growth of the people's revolution.

We extend our most sincere condolences to her husband, Oscar, to her father, Carl, to her mother, Celia and to all her brothers and sisters. We share with you the profound loss of our beloved Mayang. Her death serves only to further inflame our resolve to liberate our people from their oppressors. She will remain forever in our hearts and in the hearts of the masses whom she has touched with her loving service.#

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