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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP ready to face and defeat Macapagal-Arroyo's US-instigated all-out war – Ka Roger
August 6, 2002

Communist Party spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal today declared that the revolutionary movement "will defeat the all-out war of the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime".

In a statement released to the media, Rosal said that the CPP will "intensify the armed revolution nationwide". The revolutionary forces, he added, will "continue expanding and strengthening the revolutionary mass base and launch tactical offensives especially against the weak points of the reactionary enemy."

"It will launch a patriotic war the moment American troops directly intervene in the counterrevolutionary war and enter the territories of the People's Revolutionary Government," Rosal declared.

"Macapagal-Arroyo's will definitely suffer a backlash from her declaration of all-out war against the revolutionary forces," Rosal said. "The correctness of the Party and the revolutionary forces' stand against the pro-imperialist and fascist policies of the current reactionary regime is becoming ever clearer to the people".

"Even before this declaration," Rosal reveals, "there has been a marked increase in the number of people, both in the countryside and cities, wishing to join the New People's Army and other revolutionary organizations led by the Party".

Rosal further stated that "Macapagal-Arroyo's declaration of an all-out war against the revolutionary movement is in conformity to US instructions dictated to her by US State Secretary Colin Powell in their talks the other day".

Rosal said that such a declaration is part of the "US-designed publicity campaign that will end with Macapagal-Arroyo asking for US help in its effort to fight the NPA".

According to Rosal, the US and Macapagal-Arroyo governments want to "justify the incursion of American troops into the guerrilla zones". He said that this will take the form of "exercises", extension of military support, setting up of "infrastructures for military campaigns" and "direct participation in counter-guerrilla operations".

The all-out war declaration, he said "is tied to the objective of ensuring the permanent presence of American troops and paving the way for their direct intervention in the counterrevolutionary war".

"The US is itching to directly get involved in the all-out war against the CPP-led revolutionary movement—one among those the US dreadfully fears", Rosal added.

"Rosal said that the CPP and the revolutionary movement are not at all surprised by Macapagal-Arroyo's declaration of an all-out war. In fact, he added, the AFP's all out counterrevolutionary war has been raging in the countryside for several months now.

He assailed the AFP for "wreaking widespread havoc on the people" in Oriental Mindoro, Laguna, Isabela, Tarlac, Pampanga and Bohol where "the revolutionary movement is widespread and strong".

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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