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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

US forces warned on Luzon operations
July 25, 2002

"Any operation conducted by US imperialist troops within any part of the territory of the People's Revolutionary Government shall be considered as an act of aggression and shall be dealth with accordingly," said Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, national spokesperson of the Communist Party of the Philippines. Rosal assailed the US and AFP plan to launch "counter-terrorism operations" in North, Central and South Luzon starting October this year.

"The new round of joint US-RP military operations is in fact aimed at the base areas of the revolutionary forces in Luzon. The carrying out of these 'joint exercises' is part of the agreement forged between Macapagal-Arroyo and US President Bush as early as November 2001�, Rosal added.

�The New People's Army have been directed by the CPP leadership to prepare to meet this situation by further consolidating and strengthening the mass base and raising the military capabilities of the people's army,� said Rosal.

According to Rosal, the Macapagal-Arroyo government is actually helping the NPA and their mass base raise their ideological and political resolve. �In allowing US troops to enter the guerrilla zones, first in Luzon and then elsewhere, it is helping the NPA to steel its will to fight and is fomenting the Filipino masses to vigorously push forward a patriotic mass movement. Her acts in effect are goading more of the masses, especially the youth, to join the NPA and the revolutionary mass organizations,� Rosal added.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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