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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Tiamzons rebuke Tiglao
November 12, 2002

In a statement released to the media today, Benito Tiamzon and wife Wilma Austria rejected the "feigned offer" by Presidential Spokesperson Rigoberto Tiglao "to talk peace".

Tiamzon and Austria are both members of the Communist Party of the Philippines. They were responding to the November 1 statement of Tiglao who offered to talk to Tiamzon and Austria. Tiglao feigned sympathy saying "I pity them" after he described them as "old" and "sick".

Tiamzon and Austria dismissed the feigmed sympathy, saying "being with the masses in their struggle to overthrow the oppressive and exploitative system infuses us with life and vigor."

They rebuked Tiglao for "taking cheap shots against the revolutionary movement and its leaders, especially Comrade Jose Ma. Sison, and denigrating our continuing and unwavering commitment to the people's democratic struggle."

"Peace and friendship are obviously the least of his concerns nowadays as he works hand in glove with the Blas Oples, Angelo Reyeses and Roilo Golezes to concoct psywar, demonize the revolutionary movement, scuttle the peace talks and intensify armed counterrevolution with increasing overt and covert assistance and intervention by US forces," the couple said.

They asserted that "peace talks between the GRP and NDFP should be conducted at the highest levels through the authorized NDFP negotiating panel and any attempt to go around this smacks of using the peace talks for divide-and-rule tactics against the revolutionary forces, rather than seeking genuine solutions to the real roots of the armed conflict."

They reiterated that any "serious and sincere effort to advance the peace process should abide by the agreements signed by the GRP and NDFP since 1992 regarding the conduct of peace talks."###


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