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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

No hope in present crop of presidentiables—CPP
December 3, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines said today that there was no essential difference among those who have declared their intention to run for president in next year’s polls. Widespread cynicism over the elections, said the CPP, is driving more and more people to “tread the path of revolution.”

In a statement, CPP spokesperson Gregorio “Ka Roger” Rosal said that the platforms the candidates have presented, as well as their actual records and actions, “manifest the absence of any relevant difference among the various reactionary candidates and their political parties.” Rosal also said that the 2004 elections will be no different from past or even future elections, since such elections only serve to consolidate the present rotten reactionary socio-economic and political system.

Rosal stressed that all “the reactionary political parties represent ruling class interests.” He said that elections in the country have been determined by the “3 Gs” (Guns, Goons and Gold) and, on top of all this, US imperialism has always been the key factor in determining the winner of presidential and other significant polls. He also said that the new chief executive would merely be presiding over the further deterioration of the “crisis-ridden ruling system.”

Rosal said there was no exception among the candidates, since they all favor the opening of the economy in accordance with the “imperialist policies of ‘globalization,’ neoliberalization, deregulation, privatization and denationalization and the surrender of the national patrimony and granting of privileges to foreign capitalists.” Continuing such policies, said Rosal, means blocking wage hikes for workers and continued landlord monopoly. Likewise, he said, “not one of the candidates has called for a stop to the so-called ‘anti-terrorist’ war that has been unleashing untold violence and violations of human rights.“

Thus, said Rosal, whichever reactionary party wins, it is the people who lose.

Rosal contrasted with these reactionary parties with the handful of “progressive political parties” such as Bayan Muna and Anakpawis who were somewhat able to break the monopoly of reactionary parties in elections and parliament. He said they are products of the people’s democratic movement and led by people with close ties to the masses and “fine records of unstintingly serving the interests of the masses of the people.”

Rosal said however that these parties are constantly being targetted by the military and paramilitary forces and private armies under the control and command of fascist politicos. He said further that these parties are constantly and heavily subjected to the “violence, threats, fraud and dirty maneuvers perpetrated by the reactionary state, reactionary politicos and the ruling classes and thus face severe limitations in electoral struggle.” ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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