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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

The US will pay for its occupation of Iraq - CPP
April 11, 2003

The colonial and neocolonial rule of the US in Iraq will never be stable. The Iraqi people's anger and hatred for US imperialism is profound and long-standing.

Thus, declared Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, spokesman of the Communist Party of the Philippines, in a statement released to the media today. Rosal's statement expressed the views of the CPP regarding the collapse of the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq after more than 20 days of US invasion of Iraq.

"US propaganda and efforts to deodorize and cover-up its long-history of trampling upon Iraqi sovereignty and unleashing violence and harm against the Iraqi people will have little effect," Rosal said.

"The real intentions of the US are easily being exposed. The Iraqi people know very well that big American corporations are salivating over Iraq's reserve oil - which is known to be of highest quality and the second biggest in the world," Rosal added.

Rosal castigated the Macapagal-Arroyo government for "wagging their tails to get the US to throw the crumbs of its occupation of Iraq."

Rosal said that even before the collapse of the Iraqi government, "the US has ensured that the new political authority that will administer the so-called "reconstruction" of Iraq shall be under the powers of the US."

"The US monopoly-capitalists are like vultures that are gouging on Iraq even before the occupation was completed. All contracts for mining and trading oil and for the 'reconstruction' of Iraq have been allocated to American companies," Rosal said further.

"The imposition of US hegemony over Iraq is oppressive and unjust. The colonization and, later neocolonization of Iraq shall be resisted by the Iraqi people by carrying out an anti-imperialist movement and war of liberation. The US will pay for its occupation and oppression of Iraq," added the CPP spokesman.

Rosal said that "we can expect a renewed surge of national struggles and people's war to drive away imperialist and puppet rule in Iraq and struggle for the national liberation of Iraq".

Rosal concluded, "The people of Iraq and the rest of the world are united in declaring: US imperialism, out of Iraq!" ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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