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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Chacha: GMA's secret Plan B
January 18, 2003

"It did not take a long time for the lame-duck president to finally let the cat out of the bag. It was obvious from the very start that all her gibberish is but a ploy-all for the sheer purpose of manuevering out of a sure defeat and desperation in the 2004 elections, changing the rules of the game and forging new possibilities for her to remain in power beyond 2004. Chacha has all along been her secret Plan B to go around a sure defeat in the 2004 elections."

Communist Party of the Philippines spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal gave this remark after Macapagal-Arroyo announced that she is now for charter change. "She is 'Denial Queen for all Seasons'. She has been obviously pretending all the time--pretending not to be interested in running anymore in 2004, pretending 'no more politics', pretending to be neutral about charter change, pretending to give priority to reforms and not to charter change. She even had the nerve asking Senator Joker Arroyo to 'stop speculating' about her 'encouraging' Chacha with the ulterior motive of staying in power beyond 2004."

"It has become more clearer now that the small president was telling a big lie all along and the critical partymate she was asking to 'shut up' was only telling the truth about her secret." Rosal added, "what amount of credibility is left on her now?"

"Despite all her blab about reform and no-more-politics rhetorics, she will only be using the remaining time of her current term to go all out with her antipeople and antinational policies and plot the extension of her reactionary political career," Rosal said. "The people should keep their guard and struggle against the succession of grand deceptions and spurious schemes of Macapagal Arroyo to retain power. All the more should the people's resistance and collective might be galvanized to bring down this rotten, repressive and deceptive puppet regime as soon as possible even before 2004." ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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