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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Ka Roger calls on AFP and PNP forces to surrender or leave
March 1, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines today countered the call of President Macapagal-Arroyo for the New People's Army to lay down its weapons and said it should be the troops of the AFP and the PNP who should surrender to the revolutionary movement.

"It is totally unthinkable and unprincipled for dynamic and rising revolutionary organizations such as the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army to surrender to a rotten and crisis-ridden regime that is already a terminal case," declared CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal.

"On the contrary, the NPA is calling for the surrender and defection of PNP and AFP troops," Rosal said. "Or they may simply leave," Rosal added.

"The revolutionary movement has been making great strides especially in terms of growing mass support and advances in the armed struggle," Rosal said further. "The revolutionary movement is now very much on a forward mode and ready for greater advances. We are certain of victory within the next few decades."

"The morale and unity of the NPA is very high", Rosal declared.

"In contrast, we know from the field that low morale is pervasive among the enlisted men of the AFP primarily because they know how the people in the countryside hate the AFP and PNP and actively cooperate with the NPA to defeat them," Rosal said.

"The AFP and PNP rank and file who usually come from the peasantry are scandalized by the corruption of their officers, oppressed by the tyranny of their command and disillusioned by the rottenness of the government and social system they are being made to defend," Rosal added.

"In NPA raids and ambuscades against the AFP and PNP, many among their ranks don't put up a real fight anymore and do not take long before taking flight or raising their arms and surrendering their weapons," Rosal said further. "Many among the AFP and PNP realize that the rotten government and ruling system is simply not worth dying for."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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