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Communist Party of the Philippines

Davao bombing, a Rumsfeld-Reyes script
March 6, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines today said that the Davao bombing two days ago and developments surrounding it have obvious signs of having been hatched in the White House and Pentagon during Defense Secretary Gen. Angelo Reyes' recent talks with US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Pentagon officials.

"It has all the indications of a bloody Rumsfeld-Reyes script, a Bush-Arroyo go-signal and the operations of Pentagon-CIA and DND-AFP psywar and dirty tricks departments."

"It is Bush and Macapagal-Arroyo who have ultimate responsibility for this dastardly terrorist crime," Rosal stated.

"The whole thing is a bloody hoax with callous disregard for the loss of life and limb," Rosal added. "The supposed admission of Abu Sayyaf leader Hamsiraji Sali is part of the AFP script, to make it appear that the MILF and the NPA are in league with the Abu Sayyaf and involved in the Davao bombing and other terrorist actions in Mindanao."

Rosal said further "everybody knows that it was the AFP which originally set up the Abu Sayyaf and there has been a running collusion between the Abu Sayyaf and the high command of the AFP."

Rosal also condemned the arrest of nine supposed MILF fighters. "The order for their arrest were made by the very ones who stagemanaged the entire plot."

"The objective of all this is to create an atmosphere both in the US and the Philippines favorable to the deployment of US combat troops to fight in the Philippines," Rosal stated. "Reyes had to consult directly with his White House and Pentagon masterminds because of related widespread protests and charges of treason and unconstitutionality."

The CPP spokesman added that the US and Philippine governments are desperately working to find the political and legal justification to let US troops face the Abu Sayyaf in combat "not so much because they want to crush the bandit group, but rather because it is a test to determine how they will justify the deployment of troops against the NPA and MILF, which are, in fact, their real targets."

"This bloody scheme by the Pentagon-CIA and the psywar and dirty tricks department of the DND-AFP is not new, considering that in the past, they have committed similar acts a hundred times more dastardly than this," declared Rosal.

The CPP yesterday condemned the bombing and denied any involvement. It also condemned the AFP for "automatically and maliciously imputing that the dastardly act was carried out by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front or the New People's Army".

"The US-Arroyo regime is growing desperate amid strong resistance to US military aggression in the Philippines," Rosal said.

"Everybody can see through the thin veil covering the initial plan to allow US combat troops into Sulu. The US only wants to use Sulu as a jumping board to position its troops at the center of the Philippine civil war," Rosal elaborated.

Rosal further said that the "patriotic and revolutionary forces are ever ready to resist and frustrate all plans of the US to extend its campaign of aggression in the Philippines". ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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