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Communist Party of the Philippines

NDF In Western Mindanao Condemns The US War Against Iraq, Denounces The Macapagal-Arroyo Government For Its All-Out Support To US Aggression, Calls On The Filipino And Moro Peoples To Unite And Wage A War Of Resistance Against US Aggression In Mindanao
March 20, 2003

The National Democratic Front in Western Mindanao condemned in the strongest possible terms the war unleashed by US-led forces against Iraq. NDF-WMR spokesperson Adan Sindapan in a statement released to the media today assailed the attacks against Iraq as �contemptible and should be condemned and opposed by all who profess concern for peace and freedom.�

Despite widespread appeals against a military solution to the Persian Gulf issue, the US imperialists have pushed their warplans through. �In the eyes of the world community of nations, the US attack left no doubt who is the real �rogue state�-the single biggest threat to world peace,� Sindapan strongly expressed as US warplanes and battleships commenced their bombing runs over Baghdad.

�With extreme arrogance the US imperialists personified by the George W. Bush regime demonstrated its utter disregard for world opinion and has embarked on a unilateral military adventure that aims to unleash death and destruction over Iraq and force its submission to US military might.� �The US imperialists would like to make it appear that the war in Iraq is a war to �liberate� the Iraqi people from the Saddam Hussein government.� This blatant lie, however, cannot cover up the US greed for Iraq�s oil reserves, Sindapan noted. Echoing the revolutionary movement�s analysis, the NDF-WMR spokesperson added that the US intends to recolonize Iraq and seize its vast oil fields and facilities from Iraqi government control.

Faced with US imperialist bullying and malicious intent to humiliate the whole Arab world, the Iraqi people have the righteous duty to defend their country by all means possible from the US led invasion, Sindapan asserted.

�The Macapagal-Arroyo regime is equally reprehensible and must be made accountable for the consequences of its all-out support to the US war of aggression�, the spokesperson of NDF-WMR stated commenting on the unreserved endorsement of the US war by the Philippine president. �Macapagal-Arroyo looks forward to a windfall in the aftermath of a vanquished Iraq and expects a reciprocal assistance from the US in her own anti-Moro campaign in Mindanao, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and elsewhere,� Sindapan added. The Macapagal-Arroyo regime must be made to pay for endangering the lives of Filipinos around the world with her shameful backing of the unjust US war, Sindapan further stated.

The NDF in Western Mindanao recognizes the urgent need for all human rights and peace advocates to further expand and broaden the anti-war alliance. Progressives and peace-loving people must double their efforts against the imperialist war as the US attack against Iraq have already begun. The NDF-WMR spokesperson particularly called on the Filipino and Moro people in Western Mindanao to unite, expose and oppose the scheme of the US imperialists to instigate its open involvement in the Mindanao war.

�The NDF-WMR do not wish for a US led attack in Mindanao fully aware of the imperialist propensity to use the most nasty and destructive methods in its war strategy. A US attack will surely result in unthinkable death and destruction to the civilian population. However, if ever the reactionaries should succeed in finding a pretext for direct US troop involvement in Mindanao the revolutionary forces vowed to confront imperialist aggression with a determined war of resistance by means of an extensive and intensive guerilla warfare. The New People�s Army which has maintained a tactical alliance with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, and their respective mass bases will surely present a formidable opposition to US imperialist aggression in Mindanao.�

�Filipino and Moro revolutionaries can teach the US imperialists aggressors a lesson or two about minding their own business if ever they set foot in Mindanao�, Sindapan vowed. The revolutionary forces have already made the necessary preparations and are confident they will defeat foreign aggressors and achieve national liberation.###


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