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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Magdalo Group action exposes the depth of crisis of military and regime
July 27, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said that "the action in Makati this dawn by the Magdalo Group of young field officers shows the depths of rottenness to which the puppet military establishment, Arroyo government and ruling system has utterly and deplorably sunk."

The CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that the CPP sympathizes with the legitimate grievances of the Magdalo Group. Rosal also said the CPP agrees with the three main revelations by the rebel AFP officers. In the group's statement read this morning by Capt. Gerardo Gambala, the rebel group exposed the rampant corruption of senior officers, the direct responsibility of Defense Secretary Reyes and ISAFP Chief Gen. Victor Corpuz in the Davao bombings and the plan of the Arroyo ruling clique to perpetuate itself in power by means of imposing martial law come August.

Rosal expressed agreement with the Magdalo Group's aiming to overthrow the utterly rotten Arroyo government and just as rotten military high command. "It is right for them to turn against their high command and government who abuse them and the people." Rosal said "however, we differ basically with the Magdalo Group in so far as its agenda and methods are concerned."

Rosal said the National Recovery Program supported by the Magdalo Group is just a fascist and reactionary factional agenda of 1980s-90s coup leader and now senator Gregorio Honasan. Rosal said further that the people should be warned that Honasan is only taking advantage of legitimate grievances of more than two hundred thousand soldiers in order to gain mileage for his reactionary political ambition and push forward his fascist agenda.

This action of the Magdalo Group and the Enrile-Honasan factor which wants to intrumentalize it highlight the fractious character of the reactionary and puppet military and the dangers and harm to innocent people they are holding hostage with their unrevolutionary methods in lieu of widespread people's support.

Rosal called on military officers and enlisted men with legitimate grievances to "further deepen their understanding of the why the AFP is on a losing course and why the revolutionary people's war is on the correct and winning course and is widely supported by the people."

Rosal also said the New People's Army is prepared to "take advantage of fractiousness of the AFP by launching more and more tactical offensives against the rotten AFP to defeat the US-Arroyo regime's all-out war of terror."

Rosal also called on junior officers who are truly and sincerely pro-people to "emulate the tradition of Lt. Crispin Tagamolila and join the revolutionary movement or find ways to coordinate and cooperate with the revolutionary movement." Lt. Tagamolila of the AFP joined the New People's Army in the 1970s. ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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