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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

NDF scores "black propaganda" by military: Look at yourselves first -- NDF-EV
August 5, 2003

Calling a spade a spade, the NDF-Eastern Visayas branded the military's charges against it as false and baseless and accused the Arroyo government of being the real extortionist, terrorist and gangster. In a statement, NDF-EV spokesperson Fr. Santiago "Sanny" Salas said that it is the 8th Infantry Division and the Arroyo government that has a lot of explaining to do for the ills of the country and the sufferings of the people.

Throwing back the charge of NPA extortion activities, Salas alleged that active and ex-military men are leading criminal gangs in holdups, rustling and extortion in the region. Salas pointed out that criminal gangs in Catbalogan, San Jorge, Calbayog, Hinabangan and Paranas carry AFP-supplied high-powered firearms and in fact operate near military camps. "In their nefarious activities, they invoke the name of the NPA, not only to extort but to tarnish as well the reputation and prestige of the NPA and the entire revolutionary movement," Salas said. He added that the NPA has discovered that elements of the Intelligence Service of the AFP are leading one of these gangs.

For their part, the NDF spokeperson clarified that revolutionary taxation is a function of governance and is imposed only on big businesses, especially foreign monopoly corporations. In fact, Salas said, a revolutionary tax is not a license that is for sale because "any commercial activities that grievously harm the people and the environment are sternly forbidden." He added that the collected taxes go toward improving the lives of the people and the building of a democratic government in the countryside. Salas said that, in contrast, tax collection under the Arroyo government is no better than extortion, with the revenues not going to the people but to the big politicians, the military and debt payments.

He asserted that it is the 8th ID that should explain why "the AFP siphons off a major part of the national budget, while trickles go to social services like education, housing and health."

Salas deplored that "88% of our population - or more than 70 million Filipinos - are living in poverty." And yet, he said, "When the Filipino people - including the junior officers and rank and filers in the AFP - cry out against injustice and struggle for their rights, they meet force and brutal suppression by the military." The NDF leader added that the 8th ID itself is becoming desperate in the face of successful tactical offensives by the NPA and the widening gap between the military and the people.

Debunking the charge of "terrorism", Salas explained that the NPA attacks were all against legitimate military targets and took care to avoid civilian casualties and damage to property. These offensives in fact could not have been carried out without the support of the people, Salas noted. He said that AFP and PNP elements who survived the attacks can attest that "the NPA respects the rights of the surrendered, the wounded and others who are hors de combat." Furthermore, Salas said, "If the NPA follows the international laws of war even in the heat of battle, how much more the prohibition of the recruiting of minors as combatants?"

The NDF spokesperson challenged the 8th ID "to answer for acts of terrorism and violating the laws of war." He cited the massacre by the 19th IB of six civilians and three hors de combat NPA fighters in Kananga, Leyte; murder and arson by the 52nd IB in Pinabacdao and Calbiga, Samar; virtual military occupation in 10 barrios in Calbiga; and the recent summary execution of an NPA fighter in San Jose de Buan, Samar. He said that these were only the recent and major cases of the military's violation of human rights and international humanitarian law.

"Lies, fabrications and baseless propaganda by the 8th ID's psywar agents on the false assumption that they can sway public opinion against the revolutionary movement only further expose the unjust and counterrevolutionary war of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime," Salas concluded. ###

Roy Santos
NDF-EV Media Liaison Officer
Cellphone Number: 0918-3112138
E-mail: [email protected]

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