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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Chiefs of thieves exposing each other--CPP
August 20, 2003

�The chiefs of thieves in this country are exposing each others� thievery.�

This was the statement given today by the Communist Party of the Philippines spokesperson Gregorio �Ka Roger� Rosal in reaction to the Senator Panfilo Lacson�s exposure of the P270 million from campaign contributions and other spurious sources supposedly stashed by the president�s husband, Mike Arroyo, in secret bank accounts under the fictious name of �Jose Pidal.�

�The chiefs of thieves know each other and the tricks of the trade,� Rosal said, �Estrada, Lacson, the Arroyos--they are just the biggest of thieves who rob the people of billions, and launder and stash their loot using various tricks such as fictitious bank accounts and dummies.�

Rosal said that ever since the neocolonial and semifeudal system was set up and ruled by the �puppet-bureaucratic-comprador oligarchs,� this country has been plundered and robbed by big thieves in the highest positions in the government, police and military.

�The chiefs of thieves are most creative in devising new methods of stealing from the people. But because of their unsatiable greed and because their big thievery has become SOP, they usually resort to worn-out methods of plunder and robbery and immitate each other.� Rosal was referring to the unoriginality of plunderers using fictitious names and dummies to launder and stash their loot.

Rosal said that Arroyo�s grand thievery as well as Lacson�s own massive loot from having been the biggest thief of the PNP and chief of narco-business in this country and all other heinous cases of plunder by the other big bureaucrats should all be exposed, investigated to the fullest and their perpetrators punished.

Rosal added that �The big bureaucrat capitalists, together with their imperialist and oligarchic partners in ruling and robbing the people should be expunged from the country and it is about time that the rotten, corrupt and repressive neocolonial and semifeudal system they are perpetrating be replaced with a more just, disciplined, democratic, sovereign and progressive system.�###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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