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Communist Party of the Philippines

NPA in Misamis Occidental Inflicts Casualties on 101st Brigade in Sapang Dalaga
October 4, 2003

"The casualties inflicted on the 101st Infantry Brigade by the New People's Army in Sapang Dalaga demonstrates the high morale and excellent unity of the Red commanders and fighters even in defensive engagements and despite being far outnumbered", was the assessment of Ismael Marte, spokesperson of the CPP-NPA in Western Mindanao who lauded the determination and fighting will of the NPA under the Misamis Occidental Front Operations Command in defending and fighting for the interests of the people.

Marte citing the battle report of the Misamis Occidental Front Operations Command, today confirmed the reported casualties inflicted by NPA guerillas on the enemy side on October 2 during an encounter in Brgy. Manalac, Sapang Dalaga between a unit under the NPA-MOFOC with troops from the Alfa Coy 5th Infantry Battalion and 34th Military Intelligence Company led by the 101st Brigade command. The clash started at around 6:30 A.M. after NPA sentries upon sighting the assaulting enemy troops immediately maneuvered for position and fired on the enemy troops. The clash which lasted for about 10-15 minutes, left 2 Army regulars and 3 CAFGU dead.

The Red fighters of the MOFOC who have mastery of the terrain and wide support of the masses, skillfully employed guerilla tactics and disengaged without any casualties.

Meanwhile, in an attempt to cover up their bungled operation, the 101st Brigade claimed to the media that it was able to kill 12 NPA fighters. However, the NPA spokesperson countered the AFP's lies and underscored reports of the local media that the AFP sustained six casualties.

The CPP-NPA Western Mindanao spokesperson urged the rank and file soldiers of the AFP to think twice before carrying out the orders of their field officers who have no real concern for their welfare and who engage them even in losing battles to refrain from suffering unnecessary casualties in defending a corrupt and rotten system. The measly pay, abusive officers, and the reactionary and hopeless government of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo they are made to defend are certainly not worth dying for.

Ismael Marte instead called on the soldiers to side with the people, abandon camp or disobey the anti-people and abusive orders of their superiors, or leave the reactionary military service and cooperate with the people's army and fight for a more just and equitable society. ###

Ismael Marte
CPP-NPA Western Mindanao

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