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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

NDF: Bush is Coming as a Master Surveying His Vassals
October 16, 2003

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) today described the coming visit of US President George W. Bush to the Philippines as that of �a master surveying his vassals.�

�Clearly, the much-awaited Bush arrival is not a statesman�s visit to an equal, just as the Philippine-American relations have never been an equal and fair partnership. Bush is arriving in the Philippines, talking with Arroyo and addressing the Philippine Congress as a master surveying his vassals, pushing them to produce more for him and threatening them with the whip if they fail,� it said.

In a special issue of Liberation, the NDF�s official publication, the NDF said it does not expect anything new from the visit and that it has only served to highlight the subservience and puppetry of the Arroyo regime.

The NDF said Bush will push for bilateral trade agreements with the collapse of the World Trade Organization meeting in Cancun and for more expansive arrangements for US military troops� presence in areas even far from the bandit group Abu Sayyaf.

In addition, the NDF said that if President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo does not get the open endorsement for her 2004 candidacy from Bush �- something that she so desperately wants �- Arroyo is not above fabricating what she needs.

��if Bush for some reason does not formally do so, no doubt the Arroyo clique will find ways to inform the public about it if not invent a totally fictitious declaration of support,� the underground revolutionary alliance said.

It described Arroyo as �a pitiful dog, wagging her tail and eagerly waiting for the master to throw the bone she so desperately desires �- the bone being an outright endorsement for her political plans.� ###

Read the full statement.

Roy Santos
NDF-EV Media Liaison Officer
Cellphone No. 0918-3112138
E-mail: [email protected]

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