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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Pseudo-progressives even more vicious and malicious against the revolutionary movement
December 4, 2003

The Communist Party today mocked Rep. Etta Rosales and her Akbayan partymate in Congress for desperately needing a reality check, being out-and-out opportunists and now baring their reactionary skeletons in the closet as evidenced by their ridiculous bill to illegalize NPA tax collection activities.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said in a statement today that Akbayan's House Bill No. 6581 actually reveals an arrogant, vicious and malicious attitude towards the revolutionary movement together with a naivete in regard to real politic. "It smacks of opportunism and reaction as well as self-illusion and lack of common sense." The bill, which Rosales and Akbayan partymate Rep. Mario Aguja authored, seeks to criminalize NPA tax collection activities during elections.

Rosal stated that Rosales and her ilk pretend not to realize that the CPP-NPA-NDF and their revolutionary mass base have their own revolutionary government and that the NPA collects revolutionary taxes in accordance to revolutionary governmental policies and laws on taxation. "Rosales and company cannot just legalize this fact out of existence. Most politicos, including traditional politicos, have enough common sense to recognize and comply with this," said Rosal.

Rosal said further that the reactionary government and closet reactionaries like Rosales have all the freedom within the confines of their own reactionary state to declare revolutionary tax collection as illegal anytime they want to, but when they want to enter the territory of the CPP-NPA-NDF and its revolutionary government, they are obliged to follow revolutionary laws, including the payment of the necessary fees and taxes.

Rosal also said that reactionary politicos and political parties, including their party list tails, who desire to enter and campaign in CPP-NPA-NDF governed areas have to secure official permits and pay the necessary fees to do so.

Rosal clarified, however, that the revolutionary movement does not give entry permits to diehard reactionaries who are rabidly antagonistic and have incurred blood debts to the revolutionary movement and the people. Rosal explained that the policy of the CPP and NPA is to apply sanctions and punishments on them instead of collecting taxes from them.

Rosal said that the proceeds from the collection of revolutionary fees and taxes are used to fund socio-economic, health, educational and cultural projects and activities of the masses in the revolutionary mass bases as well as to finance the operations of the revolutionary movement. ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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