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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Substantial correctives to anti-DPA errors made and continue to be made--CPP
December 31, 2003

The Communist Party of the Philippines said that it has undertaken steps to substantially correct the errors and roots of the anti-infiltration hysteria committed by those who violated Party and revolutionary principles in the '80s.

The CPP said that it has punished its unrepentant principal perpetrators and put under disciplinary action those who took part in its implementation. Clarifying reports serialized recently in the Inquirer, the CPP Information Bureau said that there were not only seven Party cadres who were meted out disciplinary actions. "Even before the Central Committee disciplined the principal wrongdoers, the regional committees and other lower organs had already taken disciplinary measures against those who made mistakes."

"Many of the principals of the anti-infiltration drives, however, did not want to face the music for their crimes and other serious responsibilities in the anti-infiltration campaign and other grave errors. They consider themselves to have been fortunate to have gotten scott free from their errors and responsibilities. They turned their backs to the CPP in the height of the rectification campaign in the early 1990s and are now among ringleaders of the small groups whose sole mission is to wreck the CPP and, in order to cover up their own crimes and errors, and try to maliciously pass off the responsibility as an 'original sin' of the CPP itself," the CPP said.

The CPP also said that it has taken decisive steps and ensured all-out measures to indemnify the victims and their relatives and extend the necessary material, medical and social support for their rehabilitation.

At the same time, the CPP said that "There have, however, also been certain individuals who have turned reactionary and been in league with the principal perpetrators of the crimes who have become traitors and special agents of the CIA and the reactionary state. They are maliciously collaborating to instrumentalize the experiences of victims of the anti-infiltration campaigns as venues to attack the Party in the same way that the CIA and the AFP psywar departments and operatives have been using the Cambodian 'Killing Fields' as propaganda materials against the NPA.

They form pseudoreformist groups and institutions, publish materials that mix distortions and and rehashed sensationalism with part of the truth and launch anti-CPP campaigns, funded by international anti-communist organizations."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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