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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

AFP/PNP’s destabilization scenario to stymie legitimate protests against electoral fraud and violence--CPP
May 27, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines today dismissed as "patent military fiction" AFP and PNP scenarios about a so-called "Rightist-Leftist" destabilization plot.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that top officials and intelligence/psywar units of the AFP and PNP have concocted this fiction to discredit valid grievances and to justify a mailed-fist policy against legitimate actions of the people in protest of the systematic and massive use of fraud and violence in the recent elections.

Among those launching protest actions are progressive and other aggrieved parties as well as anti-electoral-fraud organizations like Patriots.

Rosal said that contrary to their supposed non-partisanship, the AFP and PNP were widely used as instruments during the May 10 elections to use force and perpetrate widespread fraud against progressive party-list organizations and other progressive candidates as well as against the principal rivals of the ruling reactionary party.

"Now, the AFP and PNP are being mobilized by the Arroyo government to secure its highly questionable narrow electoral victory and quell legitimate protests against the most rampant application of fraud and violence in the history of reactionary elections in the country," Rosal added.

"The people are fully justified in launching protest actions against massive cheating and violence," Rosal said. "Malacañang, the AFP and the PNP are fearful that such mass protests may swell into large-scale demonstrations."

Rosal warned that acts of the AFP and PNP to violently suppress legitimate protest actions are tantamount to the barefaced suppression of the people’s democratic rights and would only fuel more protests that could escalate into massive nationwide indignation.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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