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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP suspects Arroyo treachery behind "reconciliation" with Marcoses
July 4, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines today said Arroyo's gesture at seeking "reconciliation" with the Marcoses smacks of treachery and betrayal against the Filipino people who still have to see justice rendered for the crimes of plunder and fascism committed by the Marcos martial law regime.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that the Filipino people especially the scores of thousands of direct victims of the Marcos' martial law are frustrated with the sucessive post-Marcos regimes for their long-standing and intentional dilly-dallying and failure at dispensing justice for the crimes committed against them by the Marcos dictatorship.

"Now, Gloria and Imelda seem to be cooking up something to be presented as 'reconciliation,' Rosal said. "Even now, Arroyo's 'reconciliation' smells of fishy treachery and betrayal."

The CPP spokesperson said that there is nothing to compromise or enter into any deal with the Marcoses that will be of benefit to the Filipino people. "Justice should be rendered. Period. Any deal with Imelda and the Marcos children can only mean compromising the interests of the victims of martial law and the entire Filipino people and will be vigorously opposed by the masses."

Rosal expressed support to the ten thousand martial law victims who have won a collective suit against the Marcos dictatorship. He said that the indemnification they have won has been unjustly put off for more than a decade now. The funds for this are being held in escrow in the Philippine National Bank but the Marcoses are contesting their release.

The CPP warned Arroyo against reversing the judgement of history and rendering honors befitting a hero to the late dictator Marcos. Rosal expressed opposition to the appeals of Imelda to rebury her husband's remains at the Libingan ng mga Bayani.

"The dictator deserved his ignominious end and any cosmetizing of this will only serve to cover up the oppression and exploitation perpetrated by his fascist reign", Rosal added.

Rosal pointed out that the appeal for a hero's burial for Marcos is only the tip of the iceberg. "Behind this are the more essential issues including the Marcos and crony corporations and monies, in fact, the entire Marcos wealth, which should all be returned to the people."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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