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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

The head of the puppet regime must fall should Angelo dela Cruz be beheaded -- CPP
July 9, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said it holds the puppet Arroyo government responsible for whatever fate would befall Angelo dela Cruz and vowed that if the beheading of the Filipino overseas worker pushes through, they will exert all effort to make sure that the head of the puppet government would also fall. Dela Cruz was taken hostage yesterday by an Iraqi group identified as the Iraqi Legitimate Resistance or the Iraqi Army-Khaled bin al-Waleed Corps demanding the withdrawal of Philippine troops supporting the US occupation of Iraq.

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that by giving all-out support to the US government's invasion and occupation of Iraq, the puppet Arroyo regime has served as a willing accomplice to the US imperialist crimes against the Iraqi people.

Rosal said that the CPP, the NPA and all revolutionary forces symphatize with the family of dela Cruz who are in pain over Angelo's difficult and critical situation and hope that he "can be saved from being a sacrificial lamb of Arroyo's allegiance to Bush."

He said that the revolutionary movement and the Filipino people hold the puppet Arroyo regime responsible for the all the repercussions on the Filipino people of the regime's utter obeisance to the US imperialist invasion and occupation of Iraq and other countries. The Arroyo regime is responsible for endangering the lives of the Filipino workers in Iraq and the Middle East and now this unfortunate fate and danger that has befallen Angelo dela Cruz.

The CPP spokesman said that the demand for the withdrawal of Philippine troops in Iraq is just and urgent. "They should not have been there at all," he added.

Rosal said that in the first place the US invasion and occupation of Iraq is an act of imperialist aggression and national oppression that is immoral and unjustified. "President Bush and his cohorts concocted a bundle of big lies in order to force their way into Iraq, take-over the country and oppress the Iraqi people.

"The Iraqi people have been suffering immensely because of the continued trampling upon Iraq's national sovereignty by American troops and the plunder of its national wealth by US oil monopolies, contractors and other big US crony corporations," added Rosal.

"And now they are reaping the dire consequences of their criminal acts."

Rosal said that the broad masses of the Iraqi and Filipino people are one in demanding an immediate and absolute end to the occupation of Iraq by US imperialist overlords and troops and the support of allied mercenary troops including those dispatched by the puppet Arroyo regime. He said further that the recent turnover is phoney and is in fact more transparent than the July 4, 1946 US grant of bogus independence to the Philippines.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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