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Communist Party of the Philippines

AFP preventing the safe and orderly release of NPA POWs--CPP
July 20, 2004

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is preventing the New People's Army (NPA) from carrying out the safe and orderly release of two prisoners of war (POWs) currently being held by the NPA-Romulo Jallores Command in the Bicol region. The NPA is currently holding Lt. Ronaldo Fedelino and Pfc. Ronnel Leme�o as prisoners of war. The two surrendered in an armed encounter with the NPA last March 1 at Tinambac, Camarines Sur.

Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said in a statement today that in adamantly rejecting negotiations for the release of the POWs and the suspension of military operations in the Bicol region, it is actually preventing the safe and orderly release of the POWs.

Rosal pointed out that as early as March 4, two days after the capture of Fedelino and Leme�o, the NPA announced that it was seeking to effect the immediate and orderly release of POWs. One of the NPA's condition was for the AFP to cease its offensive military operations in Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur and Albay.

Rosal said "the AFP's stubborn rejection of negotiations with the NDF for the POWs' safe and orderly release is due to its pea-minded objective of preventing the NPA from being able to debunk the 'terrorist' tagging by the US-Arroyo regime as well as its complete apathy in regard to the lives and welfare of its men currently being held by the NPA."

The CPP spokesman said that the AFP begrudges the fact that, by releasing POWs in accordance with international humanitarial laws and protocols the NPA would be able to manifest its respect for human rights and civilized rules of war, its iron discipline, its wide mass support, its ability to hold and govern territory and to maintain POWs under amiable and humanitarian conditions for a long time even in the worst conditions of war.

"All this would disprove the 'terrorist' tag," said Rosal."Ayaw na ayaw nilang lumabas na hindi terorista ang NPA."

Rosal assured that the families of two POWs that their loved ones are being treated by the NPA humanely and in accordance with international protocols, "very much in contrast to the total lack of respect for these by AFP."

He said that the negotiations for the release and the actual withdrawal of government troops in the define area are reasonable and absolutely necessary to ensure the welfare and safety of the POWs as well as that of the releasing forces. "There is no other way," he stressed.

Rosal recalled that this had always been the case in the release of Gen. Victor Obillo, Col. Noel Buan and Maj. Roberto Bernal and other NPA prisoners of war of in the past.

But since August 2002 when the US and the Philippine government started to tag the CPP-NPA as "terrorists," the AFP has become adamant against negotiations and suspending military operations for the safe and orderly release of POWs.

Rosal revealed that during the peace talks last March, the GRP and NDF had already agreed on their release and the arrangements and conditions required for their safe and orderly release. "But it seems the government is unable to make the AFP obey and implement the agreement."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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