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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Release of POWs rests on successful SOMO/SOPO
August 6, 2004

The New People's Army (NPA) in Bicol is "closely monitoring" the actual and full compliance of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) with the requirement to suspend offensive military and police operations (SOMO/SOPO) in the provinces of Camarines Sur and Albay.

The NPA has been holding Lt. Ronaldo Fedelino and Pfc. Ronnel Leme�o as prisoners of war (POWs) for more than five months now. The two surrendered to the NPA in an armed encounter with the latter last March 1 at Tinambac, Camarines Sur.

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, spokesperson of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), said that if compliance with the SOMO/SOPO order proves to be in good faith and satisfactory, there should be no problem with the release of the two POWs the soonest possible.

Rosal said that the cessation of AFP and PNP offensive military operations in the areas to be covered by the release is a required standard operating procedure to ensure the safe and orderly release of POWs under conditions of war and belligerency as well as its own secure retreat from the area of release.

Rosal also expressed optimism that Lt. Fedelino's release would serve as a "wonderful birthday gift" for his daughter Alea Nicole who will celebrate her second birthday on August 16.

The CPP spokesperson reiterated that it is the policy of the NPA to release POWs on humanitarian grounds. As early as March 4, two days after the capture of Fedelino and Leme�o, the NPA announced that it was ready to effect the immediate release of the POWs.

However, the AFP and PNP had been refusing to suspend offensive military and police operations despite agreements reached in negotiations between government and the National Democratic Front since the end of March, Rosal revealed. "The POWs should have been released as early as the first week of April if not for the intransigence and non-compliance of the AFP with the agreements."

Negotiations for the release of the POWs resumed only early July.

According to Rosal, the SOMO/SOPO agreed upon was supposed to start at the end of July and last for around a month. "This would give the custodial unit of the NPA enough time and leeway to make adequate arrangements for the safe and orderly release of the POWs."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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