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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

"POWs were not even compelled to have a haircut" - Ka Roger
August 20, 2004

Communist Party spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal today denied that the two prisoners of war released last Tuesday were made to lie about being treated well by the New People's Army (NPA), as Philippine Army officials claimed yesterday.

Rosal pointed out that even after being released and in the presence of their families, government representatives and the media, Lt. Fidelino and Pfc Neme�o were consistent in their statements that they were treated well by the NPA.

Lt. Ronaldo Fidelino and Pfc. Ronnel Neme�o, who were captured in an armed encounter with the NPA on March 1 in Tinambac, Camarines Sur, were released by the NPA last Wednesday.

"The NPA did not compel the two former POWs to say anything to the media. In fact, they did not even compel them to have their hair cut," Rosal said.

Rosal observed that "they only changed their statement after being debriefed by their Army officials." He wondered why such statements were being expressed to the media by Philippine Army spokesman Buenaventura Pascual and not by Fidelino and Neme�o themselves.

Rosal said the Philippine Army's claims that the POWs were handcuffed most of the time is an "exaggeration".

"Katunayan, nahasa nga sa paggigitara ang dalawang POW sa piling ng NPA," (In fact, the two POWs honed their guitar skills while in the NPA's custory.) said Rosal.

He pointed out, however, that the use of handcuffs is not contrary to the policy of treating prisoners of war humanely. "Handcuffs are a legitimate form of restraint but they were used sparingly on Fidelino and Neme�o," said Rosal.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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