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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Arroyo's antipeople measures are her own destabilizers -- CPP
September 8, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines today said that it is the Arroyo government's very acts that will be its own undoing, dismissing claims by President Gloria Arroyo that "all sides, Right to Left" are out to destabilize her regime.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that it is the regime's imperialist-dictated policy of economic and trade liberalization that perpetuates the permanently crisis-stricken semicolonial and semifeudal system. "Arroyo's liberalization policies are proving to be the regime's biggest destabilizer," said Rosal.

Rosal explained that it is economic and trade liberalization which has spurred measures beneficial to imperialist firms and local big business but detrimental to the workers and peasants. "Local manufacturing and agricultural production have constantly slowed down in the face of foreign competition and dumping of surplus goods, leading to widespread unemployment and poverty, a drastic reduction in tax revenues, record deficits in trade and a gargantuan government budget deficit," he said.

"Widespread corruption under the Arroyo regime has contributed further to the fiscal difficulties gripping the regime," Rosal added.

"The regime has in turn tried to climb out of this quagmire of its own making by imposing a slew of new taxes, a wage-freeze policy, power rate hikes, and severe austerity measures that result in the deterioration of public services," he added. "And yet," noted Rosal, "like the puppet that she is, Arroyo makes sure that funds are available to service the odious and onerous foreigns debts of Marcos and succeeding regimes."

"Everyday, more and more people doubt Arroyo's claimed mandate resulting from the fraudulent May election," said Rosal, "This is the result of her insistence on turning a deaf ear and a blind eye to the people's plight even as she obsequiously follows impositions by imperialist institutions such as the International Monetary Fund." Arroyo, said Rosal, has thus fueled the people's anger and is her own biggest destabilizer.

He added that the "scandalous display of conspicuous consumption by Arroyo and her retinue of corrupt officials has only succeeded in intensifying the people's hatred of the Arroyo government."

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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