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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP statement on hostage-taking of Filipino UN worker in Afghanistan
November 3, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people in calling for the safe release of Filipino UN worker Angelito Nayan and other hostages currently being held in Afghanistan.

The CPP holds the US government, principally, and the Arroyo regime responsible for the fate that has befallen Nayan. The Afghan people and resistance groups have been driven to carry out such unacceptable methods of struggle by the viciousness and barbarity with which US imperialism has conducted its war of aggression against Afghanistan and suppressed the Afghan people's freedom and human rights.

The unjust and murderous US war of aggression against Afghanistan has dealt widespread destruction and grave suffering on the Afghan people. The thickly veiled US neocolonial rule of Afghanistan has fired up the Afghan people's desire for national freedom.

The Arroyo regime is condemnable for blindly supporting US imperialism in its wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq.

In the final analysis, it is its acts of servility to US imperialism that has put Angelito Nayan and other Filipinos like him in harm's way.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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