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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Gen. Abu is dreaming if he thinks AFP can defeat NPA -- CPP
November 6, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today scoffed at the declaration of newly installed Chief-of-Staff Lt. Gen. Efren Abu that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) would "finish off" the revolutionary armed struggle being carried out by the New People's Army within Gen. Abu's term.

"The AFP has been implementing an all-out war of terror against the people and the New People's Army for more than two decades now. Yet the NPA and the people's armed struggle continue to expand and gain strength," declared CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal.

This is because people's war is not something that is carried out exclusively in the military field, explained Rosal. "The strength of the New People's Army comes primarily from its commitment to serve the people and, corollarily, from the people's undying support."

In contrast, said Rosal, the AFP's strength stems primarily from its commitment to defend the interests of US imperialism and the local exploiting classes and, corollarily, from the funding support of the US government," continued Rosal.

"Gen. Abu's dream of wiping out people's war within his two-year term reveals how shallow his understanding is of the phenomenon of people's revolutionary struggles," Rosal added.

"It is completely baseless for him to make such a daring declaration, especially at this time that the AFP is wracked with deep divisions and widespread demoralization because of corruption scandals involving the top millionaire generals of the AFP," said Rosal.

Rosal also said that the people will never support the AFP's anti-NPA campaign.

"To support the AFP's war," said Rosal, "is to support the Arroyo regime and the entire reactionary neocolonial state which has been oppressing and exploiting the people for the past 60 years. It would be tantamount to supporting Arroyo's plan to impose more taxes, increase oil prices, electricity and water rates and fees for government medical and educational services."

"In contrast", Rosal added, "the Filipino people will continue to deepen their support for the revolutionary cause because they know fully well that it serves their democratic aspirations."

"In territories of where the People's Democratic Government has been provisionally established, the people enjoy the benefits of their revolutionary struggle," Rosal said. "Millions of peasant masses, in particular, benefit from the implementation of the PDG's land reform law."

Rosal said the revolutionary armed struggle will continue to grow in years to come as people "continue to flock to NPA recruiting stations."

"In fact, hundreds of workers and students from urban areas have been joining the NPA," Rosal added.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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