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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP scoffs at AFP inutility and empty boasts in the face of PTC negotiations
January 19, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines today scoffed at the government armed forces' utter inutility and empty boasts to stop the implementation of the Permit To Campaign (PTC) policy for candidates and reiterated its pronouncement the other day that PTC negotiations are in full swing nationwide and are carried out for the people's benefit.

CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal described as "pathetic" the AFP's latest propaganda ploy claiming that PTCs are actually "campaign to win" requirements of the CPP-NPA.

"From the empty bravado that the AFP will 'run down' the NPA and prevent it from implementing the PTC policy, AFP spokesman (Lt. Col. Daniel) Lucero has now shifted to a desperate all-out multimedia spin to depict the NPA as an 'army-for-hire' that will ensure the victory of the highest bidder."

Rosal reiterated that the CPP-NPA has its own system of government and does not recognize the existing reactionary government and its political exercises.

"The CPP-NPA does not campaign for candidates in the reactionary elections," said Rosal. "However, while the present reactionary and rotten political system still exists, the CPP-NPA tolerates campaign activities under the system of reactionary elections as long as the candidates first seek permission from, and coordinate with, revolutionary authorities."

Rosal said that Lucero's admission the other day that "there are some local politicians who have acceded to this NPA strategy and gave have given out guns, food and even money (to the NPA)" is a virtual recognition of the autonomous existence and effectivity of Red political power in CPP-NPA- controlled and -influenced areas.

Rosal said that in processing PTCs, the CPP-NPA discusses with the candidates what they can do to help in providing immediate socio-economic relief to the impoverished masses. In an earlier statement, Rosal explained that a significant part of the proceeds from PTCs go to socio-economic programs of the revolutionary mass organizations and local revolutionary organs of government.

Rosal added that the CPP-NPA establishes alliances with, and gives the most leeway, to progressive, patriotic and pro-people candidates as they help to address and contribute to the immediate alleviation of the long-suffering people's plight and contribute to their immediate alleviation.

Rosal also said earlier that the granting of PTCs requires that candidates ensure that they do not cause trouble and violence in the revolutionary areas and do not bring guns and goons with them.

Rosal said further that the CPP-NPA neither gives out PTCs nor bothers to accept contributions from the most obnoxious antipeople, fascist and rotten politicos and instead works to ensure their defeat and payment of blood-debts. ###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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