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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Gen. Corpus is Arroyo's political mercenary--CPP
February 9, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines turned the tables on Civil-Military Operations Chief Gen. Victor Corpus calling him Arroyo's political mercenary for concocting slanderous and obviously politically motivated allegations against Vice Presidential candidate Loren Legarda's efforts at promoting peace talks between the CPP-NPA-NDF and the government.

While stating that the CPP is not directly endorsing Legarda or any other presidential or vice-presidential candidate, CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said that the CPP-NPA-NDF has always been appreciative of Legarda's consistent efforts at promoting peace talks and working for the release of prisoners of war even in times when government was particularly adamant and made counterproductive moves.

Rosal said that it is foul for Corpus to ascribe malicious overtones to Legarda's work for humanitarian and peace objectives, whether he calls it "political prostitution" or, as he later revised it, "waltzing with the enemy."

The CPP spokesperson said that the CPP-NPA-NDF's expression of appreciation for Legarda's humanitarian and peace efforts does not mean that its members will be mobilized to vote for her. He reiterated that the CPP-NDF-NPA has its own revolutionary program of government and therefore does not vote or participate in elections for the reactionary government. Besides, he said, the revolutionary forces are excluded from the reactionary electoral process because they are considered illegal by the present government, even if the CPP had long been legalized "on paper."

Rosal said that as head of the AFP's psywar operations, Corpus has been coming up with such preposterous statements to favor the electoral candidacy of the Arroyo-De Castro tandem. "What more political prostitution can there be for an AFP general in the active service who is supposed to be neutral in electoral politics?"

The CPP spokesperson said Corpus has become one of the most abhorable of political opportunists and turncoats considering how he has turned 180 degrees from serving the people to rejoining the reactionary army, fighting his former comrades, engaging in the foulest of psywar operations, and now being a psywar hack of one of the most rabidly opportunist of reactionary politicos.

Rosal also asked why Corpus does not question the brazen political opportunism of the presidential and vice-presidential tandem he is obsequiously supporting, and of many other reactionary politicos for that matter.

In 1971, then Lt. Col. Corpus defected to the CPP after leading an NPA raid of the Philippine Military Academy armory. He surrendered to the Marcos martial law government in 1974 but was still imprisoned. Upon his release in 1986, he was reinstated in the AFP, became active and quickly rose in the military hierarchy.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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