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In Defense of Prof. Jose Maria Sison

and other Filipino revolutionaries in The Netherlands who are being persecuted as "terrorists" by the Dutch and US governments

Prof. Jose Ma. Sison

On August 12, 2002, the US added Prof. Jose Ma. Sison (Comrade Joema) to its list of "terrorists" after including the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army among its branded "foreign terrorist organizations". Due to pressure coming from the US, the Dutch government arbitrarily charged Comrade Joema with "terrorism" despite his status as a political refugee. His joint account with his wife, which contained a measly amount, was frozen. The Dutch government also stopped providing him with benefits to which he is entitled as a political refugee.

The cruelty and inhumanity of these measures initiated by the US is being underscored by the raging and widening support coming from a growing number of individuals and organizations from the Philippines and other parts of the world. This website will attempt to reflect this by dedicating a page for compiled documents, statements and other materials from various websites calling for the defense of Comrade Joema's rights.

The contents of this section was taken from Defend Jose Maria Sison website except for those marked with an asterisk (*).

What we can do

  1. Be informed;
  2. Visit related websites (links are available below) and sign petitions found therein;
  3. Inform us of other pertinent documents which could be posted here (write to [email protected] and attach said document/s).

BiographyAbout Prof. Jose Ma. Sison
* Online PetitionDefend The Rights Of Prof. Jose Maria Sison, an online Petition to The Government of The Netherlands created by International League of People's Struggles (ILPS), All India Peoples Resistance Forum (AIPRF), Forum Against Imperialist Globalisation (FAIG) and written by ILPS - AIPRF
Recent Postings
April 22, 2005Prof. Sison Is a Revolutionary, Not a Terrorist
A Review of Jose Maria Sison: At Home in the World, Portrait of a Revolutionary
by Prof. Ligaya Lindio-McGovern
April 20, 2005Delegations to International Meet on Bandung Sign Petition in Support of Prof. Jose Maria Sison
March 19, 2005Bello exposed in Vancouver, Canada
March 10, 2005Letter from Dave Pugh of New York City [regarding Walden Bello's recent attacks on the democratic rights of Prof. Jose Maria Sison and the national democratic movement in the Philippines]
February 27, 2005Prof. Sison and NDFP Negotiators Meet Former US Attorney Ramsay Clark
February 9, 2005Attack on ILPS Chairperson Serves US Imperialism
February 7, 2005Imperialist-engineered attack on Prof. Jose Maria Sison, is an attack against the ILPS and the cause of all peoples' movement against imperialism, war and plunder worldwide!
by Arman Riazi, General Secretary, ILPS
November-December 2004
December 14, 2004Ninotchka Rosca and Jose Maria Sison’s new book captures Europe
December 10, 2004.Canadians question listing of Philippine patriot Professor Jose Maria Sison as 'terrorist'; decry erosion of right to national liberation under anti-terrorism laws
December 7, 2004De Rooie Rat, Politieke Boekhandel hosts authors of controversial new book Jose Maria Sison: At Home in the World, Portrait of a Revolutionary.
De Rooie Rat, Politieke Boekhandel
November 23, 2004.Community organizations in the Netherlands to host a rare intimate evening with internationally-acclaimed Filipina author Ninotchka Rosca and Jose Maria Sison
By Committee DEFEND-Netherlands
November 18, 2004.Law Office Demands Rectification: Report over AIVD is Full of Errors (RAPPORT OVER AIVD ZIT VOL ONJUISTHEDEN) JOOST ORANJE and ROB SCHOOF
November 18, 2004.European Court of First Instance Hears Sison Demand Access to and Scrutiny of Documents Used Against Him
By Committee DEFEND-International
September-October 2004
October 29, 2004.Report On 29 October 2004 Court Hearing in Utrecht on Appeals Of Prof. Jose Maria Sison And Ms. Julieta De Lima
By Committee DEFEND-Netherlands
October 28, 2004Reissuance of October 21 Press Statement and further statement about Peace talks
by Prof. Jose Maria Sison
Chief Political Consultant,
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
October 16, 2004.Filipino community and supporters hold successful cultural evening to uphold the democratic rights of Jose Maria Sison
Press release, Committee DEFEND-Netherlands
October 16, 2004.Remarks at the Cultural Evening in Defense of Democratic Rights
By Prof. Jose Ma. Sison (with photos)
September 21, 2004.Interview With Prof. Jose Maria Sison
By Alexander Martin Remollino
Bulatlat Online Magazine
September 15, 2004.World-class artists rally around exiled professor:
Filipino community in the Netherlands to hold cultural evening for Professor Jose Maria Sison
August 2004
* August 21, 2004.Academics favor indirection, subtelty, obscure phrases. Unfortunately for them, Sison doesn't write for academics but for the many who actually make history.Vantage Point by Luis Teodoro
* August 18, 2004.Speech during the Book Signing of "At Home in the World" at the College of Nursing Seminar Room, University of the Philippines-Manila by Ms. Rosario Bella Guzman, Executive Director of IBON Foundation, Inc.
* August 18, 2004.Interview series of Prof. Jose Maria Sison on "Terrorist" Tag by Sonny Mallari, Philippine Daily Inquirer
* August 16, 2004.Introspection in Exile (A Book Review of Jose Maria Sison: At Home in the World). by Bobby Tuazon, Exclusive to Philippine Graphic
August 15, 2004.At Home in the World: The Other View. Sunday Times Magazine article by Elmer A. Ordonez
* August 2004.His Story, His Nation. A review of "Jose Ma. Sison: At Home in the World" by Ninotchka Rosca by Ina Alleco R. Silverio
* August 2004.Review of the Book: Jose Maria Sison: At Home in the World, Portrait of a Revolutionary, Conversations with Ninotchka Rosca, 258pp. By Dr. Edberto Villegas
August 12, 2004.In the continuing sabotage of the peace talks between the GRP and NDFP, Workers Protest Against "Terrorist" Listing by the U.S.
Kilusang Mayo Uno News Release
August 10, 2004.Re-listing of CPP, NPA in U.S. Terror List: A continuing hindrancein the GRP-NDFP Peace Negotiations.
Pilgrims for Peace statement.
August 9, 2004.Pursue all efforts that make for genuine peace and sovereignty!
May 2004
May 30, 2004Communique National Organizing Committee 'Laws, Labels and Liberation: The Case of Professor Jose Maria Sison'
by Committee DEFEND
May 30, 2004Call to Action: Closing the Laws, Labels and Liberation Conference, May 28-May 30, 2004 at the Universite de Quebec, Montreal, Canada
by Ninotchka Rosca
May 30, 2004Laws, Labels and Liberation: The Case of Jose Maria Sison
Public Interest Law Center (PILC)
May 30, 2004Solidarity Message
by Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (New Patriotic Alliance)
by Committee DEFEND
* May 29, 2004Opposing Unjust Labels NDFP Defends Sison In Peace Talks and At European Court Of Justice
by Luis G. Jalandoni
Chairperson, NDFP Negotiating Panel
by Prof. Jose Maria Sison
Chief Political Consultant,
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
by ILPS General Secretariat,
International League of Peoples' Struggle
May 11, 2004Sison warns anti-terrorism witch hunt will be a monster if not countered
Exclusive radio interview; reference: Ted Alquitas, Media Liaison, Canada.
January-February 2004
* Feb. 2, 2004Interview with Prof. Jose Maria Sison on the Formal GRP-NDFP Talks in OSLO By Lira Dalangin, Philippine Daily Inquirer
* Jan 20, 2004Jose Maria Sison: At Home in the World
Portait of a Revolutionary:
Conversations with Ninotchka Rosca
* Jan 15, 2004Interview with Prof. Jose Maria Sison on the On-going Peace Talks By Vi Massart, Paris Bureau Chief, The Philippine Star
April-December 2003
* Dec. 28, 2003 Interview with Prof. Jose Maria Sison on the Anti-Infiltration Campaigns of the 1980s By Juan Sarmiento, Jr., Editor, Talk of the Town, Philippine Daily Inquirer
* October 2003Human Rights Consequences of the Terrorist Blacklists: Significance of Jose Maria Sison's Case by Jason Lamchek
* Aug. 06, 2003NLG Resolves to Defend the Democratic Rights of Prof. Jose Maria Sison by Dan Wilson
Jun. 11, 2003Dutch national authorities cover up gross violations of Prof. Sison's basic democratic rights by Committee DEFEND, Belgium
Jun. 06, 2003Reply to Salita thesis questionnaire by Jose Maria Sison
* May 21, 2003Europe court orders return of Joma Sison benefits
by Sol Jose Vanzi
Apr. 20, 2003Questions for Mr. Jose Maria Sison by Sharon Cabusao
March 2003
Mar. 19, 2003Condemnation of US war of aggression and call on the people to action by Prof. Jose Maria Sison.
Mar. 14, 2003Former US attorney general Ramsey Clark bats for the defense of Prof. Sison by Committee DEFEND, Belgium.
Mar. 13, 2003Resolution to support the peace negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP)
Mar. 13, 2003Resolution to support the peace negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
Mar. 12, 2003UN Security Council Resolution 1452 states that termination of social welfare is illegal
Mar. 11, 2003Dutch Ministry of Finance refusing to authorize benefits of Prof. Sison
Mar. 7, 2003Dutch govt won't delist NPAs, Joma Friday, March 7, 2003, Page 3 Nation Today
Mar. 3, 2003An update on Imperialism, War and People's struggle by Prof. Jose Maria Sison.
Feburary 2003
Feb. 5, 2003Financial Support for the legal defense of Prof. Sison by Committee DEFEND, Belgium.
Feb. 5, 2003The "Terror Listing" of Prof. Sison Prejudices the GRP-NDFP Peace Negotiations by Luis Jalandoni, Chairperson, NDFP Negotiating Panel, in Brussels, Belgium.
Feb. 5, 2003Statement at the Forum on the 'Terrorist' Listing and the Violation of Democratic Rights by Prof. Jose Ma. Sison
Feb. 5, 2003Successful Day of Action for the democratic rights of Prof. Sison in Brussels Bert De Belder, in Brussels, Belgium.
Feb. 5, 2003To the Council of the European Union by Committee DEFEND, Belgium.
Feb. 5, 2003JOSE MARIA SISON -— A Filipino Patriot and Revolutionary, by Atty. Romeo T. Capulong, in Brussels, Belgium.
January 2003
January, 2003THE SISON WAY by Ninotchka Rosca. The governments of Europe, US, Canada and the Philippines keep trying to bury Jose Maria Sison. They only succeed in having songs sung in his praise. Because in the midst of whatever adversity, Joma Sison constantly gives Filipinos a reason to affirm and celebrate themselves. They should continue to do so, the Sison way.
November 2002
Nov.10, 2002Bush and his cohorts are the real terrorists A statement of Louie Jalandoni on the Nov.10 anti-war rally at Brussels, Belgium.
* Nov.07, 2002Workers World Newspaper Interview with Prof. Jose Maria Sison Reprinted from the November 7, 2002 issue of Workers World Newspaper Workers World reporter Lydia Bayoneta recently conducted an interview with Prof. Jose Maria Sison, the founding chairperson of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), chief political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and general consultant of the International League of People's Struggle (ILPS).
Nov.07, 2002Prof. Jose Maria Sison's Message of Gratitude to the Hongkong DEFEND Committee
Nov.02, 2002Council Of European Union Does Great Disservice To Filipino People And European Peoples By bowing to US pressure and listing the New People's Army and Professor Jose Maria Sison as "terrorists", the Council of the European Union does a great disservice to the Filipino people who aspire for a just and lasting peace and have demanded that peace negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) be resumed.
Nov.02, 2002Vicious Violation Of Democratic Rights And Scuttling Of The GRP-NDFP Peace Negotiations A statement by Prof. Joema Sison regarding the European Council's unjust labeling of Prof. Sison and the NPA as "terrorists"
Nov.02, 2002Come, Brethren, Let Us Walk In Peace! Pastoral Exhortation of the Supreme Bishop, the Most Rev. Tomas A. Millamena, to the Faithful of the Church, to the Filipino People and to the European Union
October 2002
Oct.28, 2002Sison now also on the EU list of 'terrorists'! An article from Bert De Belder, Solidaire, Workers' Party of Belgium
Oct.24, 2002Swedish Parliamentarians Oppose Listing of CPP/NPA and Prof. Jose Maria Sison as Terrorists Twenty-seven (27) members of the Swedish Parliament have signed a letter addressed to Dutch Prime Minister Balkenende, calling on the Dutch government to withdraw its listing of the Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA) and Prof. Jose Ma. Sison, Chief Political Consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), as terrorists.
* Oct.21, 2002Article by Kieren Kaal. Recognized political refugee, peace negotiator and recently branded as terrorist by the Balkenende government. That is the paradox in the status of Filipino Jose Maria Sison.
Oct.19, 2002Filipino Sison on EU-list of terrorists. This month, EU will adjust the list of terrorists whose assets have to be frozen and will add Prof. Sison
Oct.18, 2002Continue our struggle for social justice. About a highly irresponsible and slanderous Asian Pacific Post article linking five organizations of the Kalayaan Centre to "a terrorist threat."
Oct.16, 2002Picket in Sydney, Australia supports peace process and Prof. Jose Maria Sison. A letter of protest addressed to the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, was accepted by the Consul General for transmission to the Netherlands.
Oct. 11, 2002Rural Folks: Joma is not a terrorist! Joma is not Gloria! Landless farmers, small fisherfolks, and agrarian reform and peace advocates today picketed the Dutch embassy in Makati City
Oct. 11, 2002False restoration of benefits Letter of Prof. Jose Maria Sison to his lawyer.
Oct.7, 2002Bishops urge withdrawal of Dutch and U.S. listing of CPP/NPA and Prof. Sison as "terrorists", sign joint resolution enjoining the Dutch Prime Minister to withdraw the blacklisting
* Oct.6-13, 2002European Groups Vow to Support Sison All the Way , in the well-attended forum on "Human Rights and Bush's War on Terror"
Oct. 4, 2002Why It Is Wrong and Unjust for the US to Label Prof. Jose Maria Sison as a “Terrorist” by the International Network for Philippine Studies (INPS)
Oct. 3, 2002Malacañang and AFP psywar, preparing for a possible declaration of a state of emergency, by Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, Spokesman of the CPP
* Oct. 3, 2002Defend the Democratic Rights of Professor Jose Maria Sison. An open appeal and pledge of support by The Solidarity Committee in Support of a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (Solidarity Committee)
* Oct., 2002Defend Comrade Joma! An article from the October issue of Ang Bayan, detailing the support of various organizations to his cause
Oct., 2002Resolution On the Designation by the US and Dutch Governments of CPP/NPA and Prof. Jose Maria Sison as Terrorists. statement by the International Association of People's Lawyers (IAPL)
September 2002
Sept.28 2002The Bush War of Terror and Attacks on Revolutionaries and Progressives Summary of an extemporaneous speech delivered by Prof. Jose Maria Sison to open the forum on human rights and the so-called war on terror of Bush. The forum was sponsored by Initiative Committee to Defend Filipino Progressives in Europe, held in Buurtcentrum Lydia, Amsterdam, 28 September 2002.
* Sept. 26, 2002Defend the Rights of Prof. Jose Maria Sison by various progressive organizations in India and submitted to the Dutch Embassy in New Delhi
Sept.26, 2002Manila covenant on peace for life: Another world is possible! (A call on churches around the world for inter-faith solidarity to resist war and globalization)
* Sept.26, 2002Indian Government arrests the defenders of the rights of Prof. Jose Maria Sison. Delhi police arrested 100 activists when they gathered in front of The Netherlands Embassy in Chanakyapuri
Sept.25, 2002Philippine-style picketline in front of Dutch embassy in Brussels, "Sleep-in" in defense of Philippine revolutionary leader Jose Maria Sison
Sept.25, 2002Philippine Solidarity Groups – Belgium launch “Sleep-in for Sison” protest action and “1 euro for Sison” solidarity campaign
Sept.24, 2002Members of Tweede Kamer (Parliament) Receive Petition on Prof. Sison , were asked to withdraw the Dutch government's listing of the CPP/NPA and Jose Maria Sison as "terrorists", and to support the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations
Sept. 22, 2002Japanese Peaceniks Defend Jose Maria Sison, Calls for Peace Talks in the Philippines And Junks Bush's War of Terror
* Sept.22, 2002Euro-Parliamentarians Back Call to Defend Sison's Rights. A report by Bulatlat
* Sept. 22, 2002Oppose the campaign of repression against Ka Joema Sison! by Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal.
Sept.21, 2002European Parliament Members Support Call To Defend Rights of Professor Sison
* Sept. 21, 2002NDFP condemns US “terrorist” tag on the CPP, NPA and Jose Ma. Sison, by the Executive Committee of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP)
* Sept. 21, 2002The Communist Party of the Philippines condemns US machinations to criminalize and persecute as “terrorists” the CPP-NPA, Comrade Sison and other legitimate revolutionaries and progressives! by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)
* Sept. 20, 2002Joema is no terrorist. HK groups support Sison, urged the Netherlands to recall the restriction imposed to Sison and to stop all forms of attacks against him and other progressive Filipinos in Europe
Sept.18, 2002Professor Sison, criminalized in the Netherlands! This scheme aims to compel the NDFP panel to opt for capitulation in the peace negotiations. Dutch clergymen express support
Sept. 18, 2002Dutch Clergymen Express Support for Prof. Sison, his asylum case and the resumption of the peace negotiations; the Dutch government must take a different position, not what the US wants
Sept. 18, 2002Opening Statement at Press Conference. by Jose Ma. Sison
Sept. 18, 2002A letter of support for Prof. Jose Maria Sison, by Prof. E. San Juan, Jr., Director of the PHILIPPINES CULTURAL STUDIES CENTER in the USA
* Sept.17, 2002Filipino and Canadian Human Rights Organizations Demand Justice at Dutch Consulate, plan to heighten the campaign to expose and oppose the U.S.-led political witch-hunt
Sept. 16, 2002Deprivation of the Basic Necessities of Life, Violation of the Basic Human Right to Life, thus describes the action taken to terminate benefits due to him as an asylum seeker and as a recognized political refugee
Sept. 16, 2002The US Wants to Close the Dragnet around Sison. by Bert De Belder, Solidaire Workers’ Party of Belgium
Sept. 16, 2002Respect My Rights, Rectify The Wrongs Against Me, Jose Ma. Sison's letter to the Dutch Government protesting the violation of his rights as a recognized political refugee
Sept.16, 2002Deprivation of the Basic Necessities of Life, Violation of the Basic Human Right to Life, reply of Prof. Jose Maria Sison to the September 10 Letter of the Utrecth government,
* Sept. 16, 2002Justice for Professor Jose Maria Sison! Stop the U.S.-led political witch hunt! by various Canadian-based organizations
Sept. 14, 2002No to the Political Persecution of Prof. Jose Maria Sison! by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
Sept.10, 2002Letter of Utrecht Municipality Social Development Service to Prof. Jose Maria Sison
* Sept. 5, 2002Because they 'oppose U.S. presence', State Department adds Philippine left to 'terrorist' list. by Scott Scheffer for the Workers World newspaper
Sept. 3, 2002Why the CPP and NPA are not Terrorist Organizations, by Luis T. Jalandoni
* Sept. 1, 2002Hands Off the Communist Party of the Philippines! by The Leading Committee of the Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia (Greece)
* Sept., 2002A letter of support in the campaign spearheaded by DEFEND. By the Committee to Defend Filipino Progressives Abroad (DEFEND)
August 2002
Aug. 25, 2002A Message from Senator Loren Legarda.
Aug. 20, 2002"Who's afraid of Jose Maria Sison?" Only foreign and local oppressors are threatened by Joema
Aug.17, 2002Defending the right to fight for liberation. Interview with Jose Ma. Sison by Bert De Belder, Workers' Party of Belgium
Aug.17, 2002Statement of the Initiative Committee to Defend Filipinos Demonized by U.S. as “Terrorists”. By the Initiative Committee to Defend Filipino Progressives in Europe (INCODEFPE) 17 August 2002
Aug.13, 2002Sanction Regulation Against Terrorism 2002 III, Regulation of 13 August 2002, containing restrictive measures against specific persons and entities in view of the fight against terrorism
Aug. 12, 2002Powell Shows Arrogance and Ignorance in Designating CPP/NPA as Terrorist, by Luis T. Jalandoni
Aug. 10, 2002Comment on US Designation of CPP and NPA as Foreign Terrorist Organizations. by Prof. Jose Ma. Sison
Aug.9, 2002Designation of a Foreign Terrorist Organization by Secretary Colin L. Powell

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