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Ka Diego Wadagan
Agustin Begnalen Command
May 27, 2004

On May 26, 2004, at 6:30 am in Barangay Ududiao, Sallapadan, Abra, a firefight happened between composite elements of the Alpha Coy and HHC of the 41st IB, PA on the one hand, and a squad of the NPA's Agustin Begnalen Command on the other hand. The incident was a strike operation initiated by the 41st IB against the Red Fighters who were conducting regular mass work in the area. Ariel "Ka Manny" Balicao perished in the said firefight.

Contrary to the statement of Major Francisco Millare, Executive Officer of the 41st IB, the firefight was not a regular security patrol operation undertaken by the Alpha Coy against the NPAs allegedly collecting revolutionary taxes. The operation was a precision attack directed by the Batallion Headquarters of the 41st IB. The squad of NPA guerillas was not in the area to "collect revolutionary taxes," rather they were there to help the masses in agricultural production, solve problems among the people, and generally integrate with the masses.

The issue of revolutionary taxation has long been exploited by the psywar experts of the AFP against the revolutionary movement. Taxation is undertaken by all governments since time immemorial. The fact is there exists two (2) governments in the Philippines: the reactionary Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) being the currently dominant government embodying the interests of the imperialists, landlords and comprador big-bourgeoisie; and the People's Revolutionary Government (PRG), still in it's formative stage, but growing in strength because it embodies the interests of the workers, the peasant majority, the petty-bourgeoisie, and other democratic sectors and classes in Philippine society.

As a belligerent force exercising governance, the People's Revolutionary Government collects taxes through the New People's Army. These taxes are collected primarilly from big business interests run by the ruling classes and from projects implemented by the reactionary GRP in PRG areas. The Permit to Campaign is another form of tax collected from candidates issued conditional permits to campaign; i.e. these candidates will not engage in warlordism and should strictly implement the laws and policies of the PRG. Due to benefits from the revolutionary agrarian reform program and their deep understanding of the people's democratic revolution, the peasant masses in guerilla areas voluntarilly provide support to the PRG and the NPA. These taxes are used to implement projects beneficial to the peasant masses in line with the minimum program of the agrarian revolution.

In stark contrast is the taxation undertaken by the GRP. The BIR, as the main agency tasked to collect taxes, is haven for the worst plunderers, thereby redirecting their meager collection to the pockets and bank accounts of these corrupt government employees, in cahoots with top government officials. Worst, the typically exploited and oppressed farmer and worker, the lowly employee and small business entrepreneur, and other professionals are forced to pay exhorbitant fees while imperialist interests, big businesses and landholdings are legally granted tax exemptions. The GRP is even helpless in going after big-time tax-evaders like the billionaire and SM-magnate Henry Sy who owed the GRP P1 billion but was allowed to go scott-free by the Supreme Court. Furthermore, the funds from tax collection is subjected to further corruption and is wasted on mismanagement, wrong priorities such as payment of the foreign debt where more than 40% of the national budget is spent, and on anti-people agencies such as the fascist AFP.

The 41st IB may have scored a tactical victory in battle when they killed an NPA Team Leader. But Ariel "Ka Manny" Balicao did not die in vain. His example should be emulated by the youth in particular, and the people in general. For he died a martyr, fighting against an exploitative and oppressive system. His contributions to the revolutionary movement will serve as building blocks in the construction of a truly democratic society, serving the interests of the majority of the Filipino people. Justice will be fought for Ariel "Ka Manny" Balicao, and all the victims of the fascist AFP. In the end, the war will be won and the masses of the workers, peasants, petty-bourgeoisie and other democratic classes will prevail.


Agustin Begnalen Command

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