# PRWC - Fascist Troops killed Linda Camiling in Tubo, Abra
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Fascist Troops killed Linda Camiling in Tubo, Abra

June 7, 2005

A more detailed report from the NPA unit of the Agustin Begnalen Command that carried out the successful raid of an army detachment at Barangay Tiempo, Tubo Abra, clarified the following points:

  1. The bullet that hit and killed Linda Camiling came from Army and CAFGU troopers of the 41st IB and the 77th IB, positioned inside the detachment. On the spot post-battle investigation of the NPA and several civilians indicate that the bullet 1st hit the fence of a flower box before hitting Linda Camiling.

  2. The NPA maintained the initiative from the start to the end of the 3-hour battle. NPA operatives, disguised as civilians and AFP troopers, carefully positioned themselves in vantage points surrounding the detachment. After the first shot was fired at an AFP regular in the guard house who noticed the movements of the NPA operatives, the Red Guerillas immediate took their positions and called on AFP and CAFGU troopers to surrender. Instead, the beleaguered fascist troops returned fire without consideration of the safety of civilians trapped inside the detachment. The trapped civilians are unknown to the NPA operatives in the assault unit.

  3. When the civilians suddenly rushed out of the detachment, screaming, and asking for a ceasefire, the NPA Red Fighters immediately heeded the request of the panic-striken civilians and stopped firing. This is contrary to the claim of the 41st/77th IB propagandists, that NPA guerillas mercislessly fired at the civilians and used them as shields.

  4. When the detachment was cleared of civilians, the NPA guerillas decided to continue the assault and immediately took control the guard house. Again, surrender calls were made to the AFP/CAFGU troopers; and again, they fired back. The guerillas repositioned for the final assault, and fired at the beleaguered troopers. Before mounting the final assault, surrender calls were made, and 3 wounded troopers (2 CAA and a PA regular) surrendered; they were immediately given medical treatment by NPA medics. Calls for the surrender of the remaining army regulars were made, but again, they fired back at the guerillas, forcing the guerillas to mount the final assault, that eventually led to the surrender of 2 other wounded AFP regulars. Again, these facts are far from the lies of AFP propagandists claiming to have refrained from firing their weapons. The truth is, the AFP/CAFGU troopers disregarded several offers for their surrender, disregarded civilian safety, and fired at well-positioned NPA guerillas.

  5. The NPA strictly adheres to the CAHRIHL (Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Laws), jointly signed by the GRP and the NDF. The wounded AFP/CAFGU troopers were immediately given medical treatment, and were immediately released.

  6. Several civilians were wounded in the course of the 3-hr battle. This happened because the 41st IB violated the rules of war and insisted on using the Barangay Hall as a detachment/patrol base, despite protests from the people. The injuries may have been caused by the indiscriminate firing of AFP/CAFGU troopers. However, if an impartial investigating body will conclude the culpability of the NPA, the revolutionary movement will readily undertake the necessary steps in this regard. Already, a deeper investigation is being conducted by the Agustin Begnalen Command and the Chadli Molintas Command to determine particular details of the June 3 raid.

To date, the AFP is preparing to mount a massive pursuit operations against the NPA unit that conducted the successful raid. However, even before the June 3, 2005 NPA raid at Barangay Tiempo, the 41st IB, with the help of the 50th IB and the 21st IB, conducted a month-long large-scale military operation in North Abra from March 22, 2005 to April 16, 2005. Smaller but sustained operations were conducted by the 41st IB before and after the said division-directed operations.

The AFP is intensifying militarization in Abra and the rest of the Philippines, especially in the mineral-rich Cordilleras. The AFP is duty-bound to follow the orders of their imperialist and big-business masters who are hell-bent in imposing big mining operations in Abra. The NPA is duty-bound to defend the interests of the masses and annihilate the fascist instruments of the ruling classes. The May 7, 2005 clash in Bituen, Baay-Licuan where 2 elements of the 41st IB were killed and another one was injured, is the start of the response of the Agustin Begnalen Command to the call of the masses against big mining operations in the province. The June 3, 2005 raid at Barangay Tiempo clearly delivered the message and is indicative of the resoluteness of the true people's army -- the NPA.

Diego Wadagan
Agustin Begnalen Command

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