# PRWC - To the parents, relatives, and friends of Simon "Ka Sibat" Naogsan, Jr.
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To the parents, relatives, and friends of Simon "Ka Sibat" Naogsan, Jr.

Diego Wadagan
Agustin Begnalen Command
July 10, 2006

With awful lamentation and utmost sympathy do we write this letter. For Simon "Ka Sibat" Naogsan, Jr. was killed in an encounter with enemy troops in Sitio Mabongtot, Basar, Sallapadan on July 7, 2006, at about 2:30 p.m.

Ka Sibat was with an NPA team that was on its way to launch a tactical offensive against operating enemy troops of the 41st IB. Unknown to the Red fighters, an enemy platoon had gone ahead of them in taking an ambush position. The fascist troops fired on the oncoming NPA team. Ka Sibat and the other comrades valiantly fought back, but they were greatly outnumbered and outmaneuvered. The enemy killed Ka Sibat, while Delfin "Ka Ian" Cariņo was wounded and captured.

No words can truly express our sorrow, no tears can wash the pain, no threnody can fill our loss for one of the finest sons of the masses of the Cordillera. To the masses, to the revolution, to us all, he was a friend, a brother, a beloved comrade, a model cadre. Young as he was, he showed the beauty of selfless service to the people, the nobility of wholehearted devotion to the revolution, the honor and glory of daring to fight and daring to win. His life will be a beacon for the youth to follow.

Ka Sibat had his share of problems. His rebelliousness as an adolescent found direction when he joined KM-DATAKO (Kabataang Makabayan-Demokratiko a Tignayan dagiti Agtutubo ti Kordilyera). As a Red fighter, he was impetuous at times, bypassing NPA some security regulations and rules of discipline especially in consolidated areas. His sullen disposition in times of trouble could be disconcerting to others. But he would bounce right back and dispel the gloom by singing and playing the guitar. His sincere service to the people, fierce commitment, and ardent revolutionary struggle has forged and tempered Ka Sibat to become a young Party Cadre and a promising Red Commander.

Ka Sibat persevered and immersed himself in deep ideological study and struggles. He learned to unite with the majority instead of imposing his views. He volunteered in tasks which others would have refused. Humility, leadership and revolutionary optimism are important values Sibat learned during the last years of his short but fruitful life, brutally ended by five bullets from the fascist enemy. We shall sorely miss him, his songs, his guitar-playing, his smile and witty jokes, his company.

Ka Sibat is a worthy son you can be proud of. And he has made us all proud. He is a revolutionary hero and martyr to emulate. You have raised and taught him well, even with all the trials and hardships encountered along the way. The life he chose to live reflects the essential correctness of his upbringing. He followed in his father's footsteps and lived up to his father's name. He has given his life for the downtrodden and deprived, the oppressed and exploited masses. Would that he were still with us to celebrate his 21st birthday on July 21, would that he had more years to serve the people and the revolution, living to a ripe old age and witnessing the inevitable victory of the revolution. But he has gone in a blaze of fire.

But the fires of the revolution too will keep on burning. Our thirst for revolutionary justice and victory is as enduring as the mountain strongholds of the Cordillera, as swift as the rivers, as sharp as the pine needles.

The memory and ideals of Ka Sibat, our comrade and your son, will live forever and we shall see him reflected in every struggling youth in the streets of the city and pathways in the countryside, in revolutionaries serving the masses, and in Red Fighters and young Commanders advancing the armed revolutionary struggle.

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