# PRWC - NPA-Abra does not support any "supremo"
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NPA-Abra does not support any "supremo"

Agustin Begnalen Command
14 April 2007

PNP Intelligence claims that the NPA-Abra is supporting a certain provincial candidate whose nom de guerre is "Supremo." Mailed Molina is the self-proclaimed "Supremo" of the Cordillera People's Liberation Army, and is ambitious enough to seek a seat in Congress. Earlier, Mailed Molina and his wife have been aggressively informing the public that talks between his camp and the CPP-NPA-CPDF in Abra have been held and that his candidacy is supported by the revolutionary movement. The Molina camp has also been aggressively seeking audience with the revolutionary movement, while maintaining his linkage and loyalties with the AFP and PNP intelligence.

Stupendous liars they all are! The CPP-NPA-CPDF did not, and will never negotiate with Mailed Molina, one of the ringleaders of the CPLA split from the CPP-NPA in 1986; a rabid counter-revolutionary; a criminal and a gangster; an ambitious and opportunistic politician; an extremely isolated entity who cannot even ensure his political foothold in Bucloc, yet hallucinates that he can lead the people of Abra and the Cordilleras; and a Tinggian misrepresenting the interests of the indigenous peoples of Abra and the Cordillera. On the part of the PNP Intelligence, it may be simple gullibility, or cheap black propaganda.

The NPA-Abra's Agustin Begnalen Command reiterates the revolutionary movements' views and policies pertaining to the upcoming May 14, 2007 elections:

  1. The May 14 elections are a bourgeois-democratic exercise that will just turn-over the reigns of power from one reactionary camp to another. It is a process by which power struggles among the ruling classes at various levels are ignited, settled, or at least are momentarily defused. Reactionary elections can never be the solution to the crisis and poverty in Philippine society, as proven by history since the Commonwealth period in the 1930's. Ultimately, the National Democratic Revolution is the only solution.

  2. However, reactionary elections can serve to advance the people's democratic interests and struggles, if they will be strong enough at various levels to ensure victory of progressive and pro-people candidates and parties. Reactionary elections are then a venue for legal struggle, where the legal and progressive organizations and the broad masses can participate and exercise their legal rights. The CPP, NPA, or CPDF remain outside of the reactionary elections and are not campaigning for any individual candidate or party. The alleged partylist posters and campaign materials captured in a guerilla camp in Lacub were planted in order to red-scare and demonize Bayan Muna, Anakpawis, and Gabriela. Simple and practical logic is sufficient to demolish the malicious lies of the military: why should the NPA bother to carry election campaign materials to the forests and hide these in jungle camps where there are no voters?

  3. Dual state power exists in Philippine society, the reactionary Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) being the dominant entity, and the People's Revolutionary Government (PRG) as the emerging and secondary entity at present, taking roots in guerilla zones and bases nationwide. Dual power means the existence of dual laws, and in areas where red political power exists, access tax and permit to campaign is issued to qualified politicians. Mailed Molina is not qualified to be issued permits by the PRG.

Abra has been declared under COMELEC control. This is an excuse to militarize Abra. Instead of focusing on election-related violence and concerns, the COMELEC is being used to advance the Arroyo regime's counter-insurgency program under the Internal Security Operation Plan Bantay Laya II. Police and military forces are now meddling in the elections by demonizing progressive partylists and individuals and campaigning for rabid counter-revolutionary candidates. Only the people's vigilance can ensure clean and honest elections and stop meddling by the military and police in the electoral process.

The PNP pretext of going against warlords in Abra is also mere lip service and thus will surely fail. Warlordism is deeply entrenched in Abra, and the police and military institutions are but a part of it. Many warlords in Abra are treated by the military and police as "untouchables." The fractious military and police forces themselves are aligned with certain warlords in the province.

The military is also using the excuse of ensuring clean and honest elections to militarize Abra and launch military operations. But such operations, no matter how huge the troops that will be used, can never uproot the basis for the advancement of the national democratic revolution, especially because of the heightened will and capability of the NPA, the resolute leadership of the CPP, and the broadening and deepening revolutionary support of the democratic classes in Abra.

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