# PRWC - Intensified NPA offensives vs the GMA regime's Oplan Bantay Laya 2 (Not in support of any candidate in Abra)
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Intensified NPA offensives vs the GMA regime's Oplan Bantay Laya 2 (Not in support of any candidate in Abra)

April 20, 2007

The New People's Army launched 2 tactical offensives in Lacub, Abra, when about 300 police and army troopers from the PRO-CAR's RMG and the 41st IB conducted a joint military operation. Related operations have been monitored in the towns of Malibcong, Tineg, Baay-Licuan and Sallapadan. The first ambush was launched on March 29, 2007, when a platoon from the RMG patrolled Mt. Tuktukab. The second ambush was launched on April 6, 2007 when a platoon of the 41st IB was withdrawing from operations. Nine police from the RMG and eight troopers of the 41st IB were killed in the said ambuscades. Clearly, the joint operation was not intended against the disbandment of the so-called PAGs in Abra, as no action was undertaken against groups or individuals identified with local politicians. What is obvious is that the PNP and the 41st IB conducted the joint operation in line with the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo regime's effort to fast-track its ambitious program of "defeating the CPP-NPA-NDF" in 2 years, before Arroyo's term expires on 2010, as well as to pave the way for large-scale mining in the small-scale mining areas of Lacub.

Task Force Abra, under the leadership of Gen. Martin, has been discredited even before the Holy Week Joint Operations of the RMG-41st IB. The recently-promoted general does not need a "punch to kiss the canvas", so to speak. The campaign against the PAGs of Abra was doomed from the start because warlordism is deeply entrenched not only in Abra, but in Philippine society as well, though in varying degrees nationwide. Seldom will there be police, army, or civilian officials who are not, or will not be corrupted by the prevailing system of bureaucrat capitalism. It is common knowledge in Abra that Gen. Martin is at odds with the warlord camp of incumbent Gov. Vicente Valera on the one hand, but is also identified with the opposing warlord camp of the Bersamins, Lunas, Bernoses, Benwarens and of Mailed Molina.

The revolutionary movement welcomes disgruntled officers and rank-and-file members of the military and police into the NPA or other revolutionary mass organizations; they may also launch movements and punitive actions of their own against the immoral and illegal Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo regime. However, the revolutionary movement has not and will never enter into cooperative undertakings with units or officers of the AFP/PNP in line with objectives of particular warlords.

The NPA-Abra, through the Agustin Begnalen Command, is not endorsing any candidate, party, or partylist in the upcoming May 14 elections. In areas where red political power or influence exists, most people participate in electoral exercises using revolutionary or progressive criteria. Rabid counter-revolutionaries will surely be outvoted; varying degrees of corruption, oppressiveness, and exploitativeness among the candidates will definitely be taken into consideration; and pro-people platform and track-record will be of primary consideration by the organized masses. It is the people's varying levels of consciousness and vigilance that will propel aspirants into power and unseat tyrants, and not the endorsement or support of the NPA; unless of course the military and Comelect again commit election fraud and violence rendering the people's votes useless. The PNP-AFP maliciously planted partylist posters in the abandoned NPA camp in Lacub; simple and practical logic is sufficient to demolish the malicious lies of the police/military: why should the NPA bother to carry election campaign materials to the forests and hide these in jungle camps where there are no voters?

To some of the users of www.abrenian.com, let it be clear that NPA tactical offensives nationwide are intensifying as a response to Oplan Bantay Laya 2 and is a clear indication of the advancing people's war, and not in support of any candidate. The NPA-Abra does not endorse any candidate, party or partylist. No Red Commander or fighter has been engaged in the gangster activities of any warlord in the province, and revolutionary punishment of criminals and counter-revolutionaries is undertaken as mandated by the People's Court of the Provisional Revolutionary Government.

For further clarification, please refer to attached press statements and previous uploads in Abrenian.Com. Readers are likewise encouraged to visit the Philippine Revolution Web Central.

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