# PRWC - Revolutionary punishment meted on Eulysis "Asunta" Dapit an intelligence agent of the 41st IB, PA
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Revolutionary punishment meted on Eulysis "Asunta" Dapit an intelligence agent of the 41st IB, PA

27 July 2007

Revolutionary punishment was meted on Eulysis "Asunta" Dapit on July 25, 2007, 5:30pm at Sallapadan, Abra. A unit of the NPA's Agustin Begnalen Command punished Eulysis Dapit, 26 years old, a regular intelligence asset of the 41st IB, responsible for providing vital information on the whereabouts of NPA units and the identification of local revolutionaries in the BuDaBoSa Area (Bucloc, Daguioman, Boliney, Sallapadan). He was also active in psywar activities of the 41st IB and involved himself in the campaign for the surrender of NPA Red Fighters from the localities.

Dapit was illegally detained, interrogated and was recruited by the 41st IB in May, 2004, after the death of Ariel "Ka Manny" Balicao, on May 26, 2004. He was offered a P15,000 regular salary if he would agree to become an intelligence asset of the 41st IB. 1Lt. Vic Seņo, then the 41st IB's Intelligence Officer, personally established regular liaison with Dapit. The Army exploited his vulnerability to corruption and invited him to party bashes and decadent practices.
His linkage with the Philippine Army was further strengthened in 2005, when he went to Manila and became a household help for Maj. De Leon. Later, he was tasked by the 41st IB's Maj. Millare to conduct petition-signing among teachers and local government officials for the psywar program of the 41st IB in the renovation of school buildings in the Basar, Sallapadan Barrio, Ududiao area; a project that became a conduit for graft and corruption and civil-military operations of the Philippine Army.

In March 2006, Dapit actively monitored the NPA's makeshift camps in the area and reported the information he gathered to the 41st IB. Strike operations were subsequently conducted based on his reports. Throughout the first half of 2006, he attended various activities in Abra and in other parts of the Cordillera to conduct surveillance, take pictures and record the names of participants. It was also during this time that he actively involved himself in the 41st IB's surrender campaign. In July 5, 2006, Dapit was in the Army's detachment in Lamao, Bucloc and reported to Ariel Bautista, the Detachment CO. He was immediately in the vicinity of the firefight in Ududiao, when Simon "Ka Sibat" Naogsan Jr. and Delfin "Ka Ian" Cariņo was killed on July 7, 2006. He monitored the transport of Simon "Ka Sibat" Naogsan Jr.'s body from Abra to Baguio, and attended the funeral and other related activities so as to gather intelligence information.

Dapit was thrice confronted by the NPA and by the revolutionary masses regarding his activities as an intelligence asset of the 41st IB. He admitted that he was responsible for ensuring the supplies of the 41st IB's operating troops between Sallapadan Barrio and Bucloc; in actively contributing to the 41st IB's psywar campaign; and in regularly reporting to the 41st IB's HQ at Barbarit, Lagangilang. The NPA urged him to stop his anti-people and counter-revolutionary activities, but always, to no avail. In June 2006, his status as a regular intelligence asset was established beyond reasonable doubt. And again, on July 24, 2007, he hosted a meeting of local intelligence assets, together with two of his fellow intelligence agents. On July 25, 2007, he was arrested and executed by the NPA. His body was turned over to the Barangay Officials and Community Elders the same day.

Unlike the US-GMA Regime's political killings as part of Oplan Bantay Laya II, the revolutionary movement adheres to International Conventions on the conduct of war and on the CARHRIHL (Comprehensive Agreement on the Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Laws).

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