# PRWC - 7 Troopers Killed, 2 Wounded in Clashes in Tubo, Abra
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7 Troopers Killed, 2 Wounded in Clashes in Tubo, Abra

New People’s Army – Abra

Contrary to reports by the AFP released to the media, the 50th IB suffered 7 casualties and 2 wounded in 2 separate firefights in Tubo, Abra. Battle reports from field units indicate that on March 21, 2008, 5 army troopers were killed. 10 bombs were dropped by the AFP during pursuit operations on March 24, 2008. And on March 25, 2008, another firefight resulted in the death of 2 troopers and the wounding of another.

The NPA suffered no casualties, no NPA camps have been overrun, and no firearms have been recovered by the 50th IB during the clashes. Clearly, the AFP distorts battle statistics to hide the fact that they are loosing battles; Army ground commanders may also be reporting fictitious accomplishments so as not to be reprimanded by their higher command.

The AFP and PNP are going all-out in their counter-insurgency operations in Abra as part of Gloria Arroyo's Oplan Bantay Laya 2 and it's program of selling the Filipino people's patrimony to big mining companies. Second to Benguet province, there are more than 30 mining applications in the province, aside from 4 mining projects already approved and already in various stages of operation.

In late 2006, representatives of the Chinese Geological Bureau tried to force their way into the barrios, in an effort to convince the people of Dilong Valley to implement a survey for a mining exploration project. The people of Dilong Valley, through their traditional leaders and the "Dap-ay", stood their ground and in fact reprimanded local government officials who gave permission to the said group to conduct the survey. Since then, the people of Dilong Valley forged their unity against large-scale mining.

Currently in Baay-Licuan, Abra, the 41st IB is hell-bent in maintaining it's intrusive presence in communities around Capcapo, the site of a mining project owned by Pacific-Olympus, AMIC (Abra Mining Industrial Corporation), and Jabel. Despite the people's strong opposition to large-scale mining and their protests against the 41st IB's troublesome activities in the area, such as drunkenness, public disturbance, and harassment of local oppositors and their support groups, the 41st IB and Pacific-Olympus insists that their presence in the area is for the benefit of the people of Baay-Licuan.

Clearly, AFP offensives in Abra are aimed at forcing the implementation of large-scale mining operations. The people's oppressors, exploiters and looters of the people's coffers never learn from history: the people of Abra, Tinggians and Ilocanos alike, will unite and defend their rich natural resources and will live up to the tradition of their valiant and successful opposition against the Cellophil Resources Corporation (CRC).

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