# PRWC - 41st IB hides big casualty in Duldulao ambush, 1st Lt. Sia-ed a liar and
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41st IB hides big casualty in Duldulao ambush, 1st Lt. Sia-ed a liar and a criminal

August 5, 2008

As usual, the AFP is again hiding the real casualties sustained by their troops, and hallucinates that "at least five rebels were either killed or wounded following a 3-hour gunbattle." Army officers contradict each other in explaining the purpose of their current operation in Malibcong, Abra.

Official statement issued by the 41st IB public information officer 1st Lt. Sia-ed states that those killed in the August 2, 2008 battle at Barangay Duldulao, Malibcong Abra were Pfc. Jones Andrade and Aurello Begtang, while those wounded were Cpl. Oscar Cagurangan and 2Lt. Junemar Tutoy. 1st Lt. Sia-ed further said that "the soldiers led by Tutoy were in Duldulao for a community outreach mission when they clashed with about 20 rebels." However, this was contradicted by Maj. Gen. Isagani Cachuela, chief of the military's Northern Luzon Command based in Tarlac City, said that "Friday's clash was initiated by Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) troops belonging to the Army's 5th Infantry Division.

Based on the battle report of the NPA unit that initiated the ambush, and on testimonies of the people in the localities, the Agustin Bagnalen Command clarifies the following:

  1. An NPA platoon initiated the tactical offensive on August 2, 2008. However, only a 6-man NPA team was able to successfully position in ambush, as the other forces of the platoon were stretched in a wide area. Using a command-detonated clamor mine, mastery of terrain, and using the element of surprise, the outnumbered 6-man NPA team was able to render the enemy platoon incapable of fighting back when a substantial number of soldiers were immediately killed and wounded, including their Commanding Officer. 1st Lt. Sia-ed is a big liar, saying 5 NPA's were either killed or wounded, when only 6 NPAs were actually involved in the firefight. True, the remnants of the Army Platoon fired their weapons indiscriminately for the next 3 hours, but only after the NPA team retreated safely and carted away an M16 rifle, ammunitions, and a backpack. Maj. Gen. Isagani Cachuela is likewise a big liar because the NPA team took the initiative, and was swift and decisive in defeating the enemy platoon.

  2. There were only 4 soldiers immediately killed. However, 2 among the wounded immediately died before they were able to transport them out of Duldulao. As of August 4, testimonies from people in the localities and in funeral homes attest to the fact that the number of those killed rose to 11, because of gross negligence in transporting and treating their wounded, prioritizing only the injured officers.

  3. The AFP's Triad approach involves intelligence operations, combat operations, and civil-military operations. "Community Outreach", as 1st Lt. Sia-ed said, is merely a deodorized term for their Triad Approach. The truth is, the 41st IB is now stationed in Baay-Licuan, and the 503rd Brigade in Lagangilang, to ensure that big mining companies will be able to conduct "exploration" not only in the municipality of Baay-Licuan, but also in Malibcong, Lacub, Tineg, Daguioman, and Sallapadan. Abra is now the 503rd Brigade's priority, under Oplan Bantay Laya 2.

To beef up the 41st IB's propaganda capability, a major component of the civil-military operations of the AFP and their effort to impose mining activities, a criminal in the person of 1st Lt. Sia-ed have been re-assigned from the 54th IBPA, based in Mt. Province. 1st Lt. Sia-ed is now the Public Information Officer of the 41st IB and is now the mouthpiece of the fascists in the province. 1st Lt. Sia-ed was the CO of a unit of the 54th IB that killed Etfew Chadyaas of Belwang, Sadanga, Mt. Province, in August 2003. In their effort to hide responsibility in the killing of a civilian tribesman, the 54th IB insisted that Chadyaas was an NPA commander, killed in a legitimate encounter. The tribe rallied the people of Mt. Province and demanded justice for Etfew Chadyaas. The 54th IB was then forced to accept responsibility, and indemnified the family of the victim. But instead of prosecuting the criminal Lt. Sia-ed, he was transferred, promoted, and now ended up being the mouthpiece of the 41st IB. What a shame!

The Agustin Begnalen Command vows to uphold the interests of the people of Abra and will stand steadfast in their struggles. The ABC will likewise help the Leonardo Pacsi Command (NPA-Mt. Province) in giving justice to Etfew Chadyaas, the victim of 1st Lt. Sia-ed. Furthermore, the ABC will frustrate Oplan Bantay Laya 2 and will launch more tactical offensives.

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