# PRWC - ABC's reply letter to The Editor, Baguio Midlang Courier
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ABC's reply letter to The Editor, Baguio Midland Courier

Agustin Begnalen Command

The Editor
Baguio Midland Courier
Kisad Road Baguio City
Dear Ma'am;

This is a reply to a letter to the editor entitled "NPA mines gold."

The anonymous writer, claiming to be a "member of a non-government organization working for the protection of the environment" clearly intended to highlight his/her wrong assumptions regarding the NPA's policies and program pertaining to mining in the Philippines. The letter paid lip-service to the so-called "common stand against the exploitation of the country's mineral resources by mining firms."

Please allow us, through the NPA's Agustin Begnalen Command (ABC, NPA-Abra), to clarify regarding the actual implementation of the revolutionary movements' policy of strongly opposing the entry of big mining firms and their exploitative and destructive extraction of the country's mineral wealth. Next to Benguet, Abra is the target of more than 36 mining entities applying for mining permits, and as such, the ABC reiterates its adherence to the revolutionary movement's policies and programs, and strictly implements these policies, paying highest attention to the interest of the basic masses or the lowly peasants, mine workers and small-scale miners.

The NPA-Abra will do its utmost capability of frustrating big mining companies from extracting and exploiting the rich mineral resources of the province, including the likes of Rio Dorado of Australia. The NPA stand hand-in-hand with the people's opposition to these mining companies due to its extremely destructive nature, violative of the indigenous peoples' right to their ancestral lands, and is a complete sell-out of the Filipino people's patrimony. The writer, like the DND Sec. Gilbert Teodoro and the Philippine Army's 503rd Brigade and 41st IB, have falsely accused the NPA of extortion, including extraction "from small-time mining operators including the poor gold panners." We challenge anyone in Abra province to provide evidence that the NPA has done any such undertaking, particularly the collection of fees from SSM operators and gold panners.

DND Sec. Gilbert Teodoro announced that Abra, along with Compostela Valley, will be a national priority in the counter-insurgency campaign, because of big mining potentials, accusing the NPA of being terrorists maintaining mining operations for funds. But along with the deployment of troops of the 503rd Brigade, the 41st IB, the 5th ID Division Recon Coys, and the PNP's PMG, RMG, and SAF, Rio Dorado is now riding roughshod in Baay-Licuan and is now establishing foothold in Lacub. The people are forced to stop SSM operations, farm production, and tending their swidden farms and cattle due to massive troop deployment in the area. Now, who is interested in mining because of huge funds from big mining companies? Who is the real terrorist?

Agustin Begnalen Command
26 Feb 2009

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