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Task Force Davao, AFP Lose Face; Alsa Lumad Will Again Fail

Bien Sumuroy
Amoran Saripada Command
Front 52 Operations Command
New People's Army-Southern Mindanao
October 29, 2004

After claiming they have wiped out the NPA guerrillas in Davao City, the military through the beleaguered Task Force Davao, is now saying they intend to clear the Paquibato District of New People's Army "remnants" through Alsa Lumad.

The grudging admission is telling of the TFD's desperation to recover from the losses of the 73rd Infantry Batallion in the recent encounter with the 1st Pulang Bagani Company-NPA as well as from the humilitation and low morale sweeping the whole AFP due to the Garcia Corruption scandal. The TFD's recent pronouncement also signals another era of armed vigilantism, fanaticism and mass hysteria among the lumad communities.

Contrary to Col. Eduardo del Rosario's arrogant posturing, the Alsa Lumad was in fact, a failure and only isolated the military further from the masses. As a rehashed notorious Alsa Masa, the Alsa Lumad have transformed opportunist lumad leaders to become Alamara Cafgus who are responsible for the spate of banditry, cattle rustling, kidnap-for-ransom and other criminal activities in the area.

Last September, Red fighters have waylaid seven alamara bandits in Paquibato, killing one and neutralizing six others.

The revolutionary movement will confront head-on the TFD's counter-revolutionary scheme and its attendant reign of terror in the countryside. The low intensity conflict, which is being employed by the fascist US-Arroyo regime, has failed to defeat the revolutionary forces in the late 80?s and early 90's and only served to intensify the armed struggle. In the face of gross plunder by greedy military bureaucrats and grave economic crisis, the peasant masses are agitated to rise up in the armed revolution to overthrow the rotten ruling system.

(SGD) Bien Sumuroy

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