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Camid Lapindoy: A henchman for the 73rd IB-AFP and cohort of Joel Onad and Ruben Labawan

23 April 2007

The Front 52 Operations Command of the New People's Army in Southern Mindanao calls on the Armed Forces of the Philippines' 73rd Infantry Battalion to admit complicity in the massacre of the Gonzaga family in Barangay Dalagdag, Calinan District last April 9.
Camid Lapindoy served as a henchman for the 73rd IB-AFP by being a leader of the Alamara/CAFGU. As the mastermind of the gruesome crime, he directed his Alamara/CAFGU to massacre the Gonzaga family. For years, the AFP has used, trained, and armed the Alamara/CAFGU to commit atrocities that include banditry and landgrabbing against residents in Lumad and settler areas. It was with full knowledge, therefore, that the AFP knew that Lapindoy was responsible for the Calinan killings and found it expedient to pin immediate blame on the New People's Army.

The Calinan massacre is but part of a spate of barbarity in the Davao City hinterlands perpetrated by the fascist AFP employing self-proclaimed tribal leaders like Camid Lapindoy and his equally-bogus cohorts Joel Onad and Ruben Labawan.

Lapindoy, like Onad and Labawan, is notorious for landgrabbing and sowing terror among Lumad villagers and settlers. Invoking a Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title application over 200 hectares of land in the Calinan area under the military-controlled organization ATADI , Camid Lapindoy had been intimidating settlers and other Lumads to grab lands for the purpose of cashing in on government and private projects. Lapindoy considered the Gonzaga family an obstacle to his design of selling out ancestral lands in Calinan and were, thus, massacred.

Lapindoy, Onad and Labawan are viciously and relentlessly enforcing the program of the GRP's National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) to offer vast ancestral lands to big foreign capitalists for massive plunder. The mercenary AFP directs Onad, Labawan and Lapindoy to wreak havoc in the hinterlands to push residents to give up their livelihood and to intensify the Arroyo regime's counter-revolutionary operations under Oplan Bantay Laya II. #

Amoran Saripada Command
Front 52 Operations Command
New People's Army-Southern Mindanao

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