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Punish the fascist criminals!

31 May 2006

The Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army condemn in the strongest possible terms the unbridled, relentless and intensified campaign of killings and abductions of leaders and activists of legal democratic parties, mass organizations and alliances of workers, peasants, youth and students, professionals and other democratic classes and sectors.

Hundreds of victims, all of them unarmed and defenseless have been brutally attacked and killed by death squads controlled by the AFP and PNP high commands and intelligence units.

The murder of Sotero Llamas, which took place despite widespread condemnation by democratic public opinion both within and outside the country is the latest proof of the utter disregard for humanitarian and civilized norms, overweening arrogance and abuse of authority and the insane blood lust of the state's licensed killers and the ruling Arroyo regime that commands and controls them.

The revolutionary movement firmly believes that the puppet and fascist Arroyo regime is criminally liable for masterminding, planning and ordering vicious attacks against its unarmed political adversaries. With Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's orders and blessings, the current bloodbath is being planned, organized and directed by her cabinet's national security cluster led by former Gen. Eduardo Ermita with fanatical anti-communists Norberto Gonzales, Avelino Cruz, Gen. Generoso Senga of the AFP and Gen. Arturo Lomibao of the PNP as members.

In its desperate attempt to cling to power attained through massive fraud and malversation of public funds, the ruling Arroyo regime has been resorting to naked fascist terrorism to paralyze and cause the disintegration of legal democratic parties and organizations and others actively advocating the fake president's ouster.

The victims and their families can never hope to attain justice from the fascist police and military, Congress and other reactionary state agencies that serve as sanctuaries for those who mastermind, support and cover up the campaign of political killings.

We call on all victims, their sympathizers and everyone desirous of stopping the rampaging fascists in power to give information and actively assist through various means to identify, arrest and punish the fascist criminals from the paid triggermen to their masterminds and controllers at the highest levels.

No amount of fascist brutality and evil can break the people's resolve and compel them to submit to fascists, puppets and tyrants big and small who lord it over the country. Such fascist madness does not signify strength but grave fear and desperation on the part of a regime that is much despised by the broad masses of the people. The fascist Arroyo clique has merely deepened the hole it is already in and that will eventually be its grave.

The legal parties, mass organizations and alliances are perfectly within their democratic rights in asserting and fighting for their legitimate right to organize, express themselves and compete with other parties and forces in accordance with the rules and processes of the reactionary ruling system. By barefacedly violating the reactionary system's own laws and processes, the rabid reactionaries and fascists betray their true anti- democratic, anti-masses and anti-national character.

It is but right to further expand and strengthen the struggle to overthrow the fascist and puppet Arroyo regime as its armed minions engage in a mounting frenzy of killings and repression against legal organizations and personalities. Anti-Arroyo forces must determinedly expand alliances, intensify protests and heighten their campaigns and struggles in all arenas to hasten the regime's downfall and put an end to its reign of terror and greed.

More than ever, the subjugated and oppressed masses clearly see the urgent need to advance and intensify the armed revolutionary struggle. Only armed revolution can overthrow the corrupt reactionary semicolonial and semifeudal system and thoroughly resolve the chronic crisis that has wrought tremendous suffering on the people and the country.

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